Day 1: My mobile experiences

My employers require the managers of all education departments (mine being secondary programming) to have blackberries so that the Superintendents can reach us at all times.  So emails and cellphone use are the 2 biggest reasons I use the blackberry.

I really dislike using it for internet browsing as anyone who uses a B’bery can attest to.  However, I do have Twitter, Facebook, Evernote, and the BBMessenger Apps that I use constantly since our data plan is so huge.  As for using my mobile device for learning….not so much.  I do have an e-reader that I adore, as I have stated in earlier  posts, and I do use a netbook whenever I travel (smaller than my laptop and takes up less space on crowded conference tables – that way I can keep in touch with my MET groups while I am supposed to be paying attention to the speakers!

My Christmas wish includes a tablet …leaning towards the Galaxy…then I can do more of my professional reading on that instead of my ridiculously small screen on my B’bery.



Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles