New ghostery record…
Was just checking out with my Black Friday order on LandsEnd site, and I got a new record of ghostery stalkers: 15 popped up in the window at once!
Since I was buying a pair of purple boots, I should start getting some interesting purplelicious targeted advertising soon…
Posted in: Week 12: Social Analytics
hall 11:53 am on November 25, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Emily,
It is wonderful be informed. I must admit that this course certainly informative. I guess being exposed to social analytics we can now be aware of our virtual environments. The information that is provided from the analysis can certainly be help to us. It wonderful to play with your new tool “ghostery”.
Deb Giesbrecht 3:47 pm on November 26, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Well Emily – hope they are no purple ‘Barney’ type dinosaur advertisements in your inbox any time soon!