Greetings from Ontario!
My name is Brenda Courey and I live in the southern part of Ontario – quite far south actually as you can see from the map. This course will be my 7th and my goal is to complete the program by the end of next summer (keeping my fingers crossed that […]
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Karen Jones 6:25 pm on September 6, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Brenda,
I hope I can follow your timeline to finish next spring, this being my 7th course, as well. I have yet to attempt 2 courses at once, unlike many other MET students, and hence doubt my ability to remember all the things I have learned since I started in September 2009. ETEC 590 may well prove to be a challenge!
Best of luck on your continuing journey!
andrea 8:08 pm on September 6, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Brenda,
I just finished ETEC 565 as well, and it was a good technical stretch, wasn’t it! 🙂 Thanks for the link to your blog. I really liked the quote you posted: “Adults do not learn from experience, they learn from processing the experience” (Judy Arin-Krupp). ETEC 565 was a good example of how effective reflection can be.
Looking forward to working with you, Andrea
Angela Novoa 3:35 am on September 7, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Brenda! Nice to see you again :). I suffered too with html code in ETEC 565 but I must say that it is a lot what we learned there. I love traveling too, I think it is the money best spent. Looking forward to continue learning with you! Angela.
mcquaid 4:33 pm on September 7, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi, Brenda.
I marvel at folks on here who work (maybe have kids) and do two courses. I wish I could do that. I always feel the pressure to totally commit my thoughts to one class at a time… especially now, since I’m back to school and have a two-month-old in the house! These last five courses of mine just had an extra challenge added to them!
I think using a blog for a whole course will be interesting, too… I kept a personal blog from ’05 – ’10, and started a beer-related blog of all thing last year. I find blogging is a great way to share info in a technologically creative way. How are you enjoying your post-class blogging?
See you around the blog,