My experience through MET has shown me that blogs can be effective learning environments that support or integrate other learning spaces. I have experienced blogs as tools that support other settings of instruction (e.g. face-to-face and LMS). I would not consider blogs as an entire LMS, because from my expperience, LMS platforms such as Moodle […]
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Deb Kim 6:07 pm on October 24, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thank you for the conclusion.
You made a good point that blogs cannot be considered as LMS as they deliver contents which are different from WebCT/Vista. Throughout many of the Week 7 posts, I realize that many people preferred Vista over a blog for ETEC courses. I like the opportunity of being able to use a blog as one of my ETEC courses. This way, I can compare and experience differences rather than read what people have written about the comparison of the use of blogging to WebCT/Vista.
Once again, thank you for participating in the discussion.