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  • Deb Kim 9:50 pm on November 24, 2011
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    I chose to explore Springer Realtime for this activity. I started searching by typing in ‘Mathematics’ and received over 269 publications. The title such as A History of Chinese Mathematics or Ancient Indian Leaps into Mathematics sound very interesting and could be useful for a project or Math fair for my students. However, most of the […]

    Continue reading Activity 2: Math Makes Sense with Technology! Posted in: Week 12: Social Analytics
    • hall 12:05 pm on November 25, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Deb,

      As a mathematics teacher myself I found your post to be very useful and suitable to improve the teaching of mathematics Jamaica. I had also used Springer Realtime to search for literatures on mathematics and Physics. But I did not think of type in mathematics education. I have been using simulations provided by Phet.com and Walter-Fendt.com as a way to create interest among my students. Therefore I will explore Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking publication as soon I have completed my assignments for this course.

    • Deb Kim 2:33 pm on November 25, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I like the idea of using simulations provided by Phet.com and Walter-Fendt.com. To tell you the truth, I haven’t heard about those websites so I’ll explore them. I’m sure I can find interesting things for my students as well. Thank you for the websites and ideas!


  • ifeoma 5:59 pm on September 21, 2011
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    Tags: analysis, , WEbook   

    My initial impression of the WEBook pitch is that it is well presented for a less than one minute pitch. If I would want to know more about any of the 4 examples given, I would incline toward WEBook for the following reasons: The pitch started by Identifying the company and the industry or terrain […]

    Continue reading WEbook- Catchy! Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp
    • Everton Walker 6:41 pm on September 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I am also interested in exploring webook too. Even though she left a lot of questions to be asked, the conviction with which she presented overshadowed a number of the loop holes. The massive figure and the equal split was a deliberate ploy which caught my attention. Even though it is a workable idea, it will not be that easy and that kind of figure and market penetration will certainly take some getting.

      • ifeoma 7:50 pm on September 23, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        I agree with your comment that “that kind of figure and market penetration will certainly take some getting.”
        She sure sounded confident enough to make the figure sound like something that would happen easily which is why I asked the question about how long it took to get to 1500 book projects. Is 50/50 share industry standard? or is it he catch phrase to attract her target audience? I wonder. As an investor if she is giving more profit margin that would the regular publishing market, that’s a plus too.

    • Angela Novoa 8:49 am on September 22, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      As Everton I am interested in Webook too. About the pitch, I think it is very difficult to succeed and provide all the information that is required about a product in such limited time. But as you, I had the same doubts about the product.

      • ifeoma 7:59 pm on September 23, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        I minute is indeed a short time to provide a lot of information but I must say that she did a remarkable job of it- at least in my opinion. There definitely will be doubts for any EVA I would think; because that is what they are trained to do and that is why the doubts are good as it will help to make the critical decision once properly investigated.

    • khenry 5:21 am on September 25, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Ifeoma,
      I agree with your comments to Angela. An EVA has to be more critial and work with their standardised tools/ guidelines rather than just the romance of the product. It offers standards, credibility and a level plain for critical analysis.


  • Doug Smith 5:24 am on September 21, 2011
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    Tags: analysis, , , EVA,   

      The WeBook elevator pitch features a composed president of the company giving a 60 second overview of her company.  We are told that WeBook would like to upend the publishing business by bringing writers together and using a community voting system to bring new books to the market.  It is their hope to do […]

    Continue reading WeBook: is it realistic? Posted in: Week 03: Analyst Bootcamp
    • jenaca 7:12 am on September 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I agree with you, the pitch was very good and I too would like to learn more about WeBooks company. I also watched this pitch and found that they identified their goals and within the first 10 seconds stated her pain pitch.
      I also believe she included lots of examples of why one would want to join her. However I felt she lacked stating why WeBook will become more successful than the current competitors out there. She did state good facts, but nothing really to make me want to jump on board with her!
      Great find!

    • andrea 4:47 pm on September 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug, you make a great point with “there is a large divide between publishing a book and selling a book.” I wasn’t clear also if WEBook is publishing print copies or mostly e-books. And how are they marketing and distributing their books? I’d be interested to know more about the company.

    • Everton Walker 5:31 pm on September 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I like your take on the pitch. It is clear that they know what they are about and aiming to get there. However, in typical advertising mode, I think the presenter exaggerated to some extent about 50bn dollar target. I can’t blame her anyways as one needs to sell their product with optimism and bit of sensationalism.

    • ifeoma 6:18 pm on September 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      Nice one! On your opinion about the president, I agree. I also think she sounds quite confident and I can also relate to your mixed feelings. You have worded it well by saying, “I believe they greatly overstate the impact they could make” I also had questions about the marketing of WEpublished books and am not sure how long it took to build the capacity of 1,500 book projects and their growth rate is not mentioned. The President simply says, they are growing quickly- well how quickly?
      However, the pitch inspired enough curiosity in me with their idea of “open publishing” to want to know more.

    • Doug Smith 8:31 pm on September 24, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      In terms of market size, I really liked David Hansson’s presentation. He effectively deconstructs the stigma of not wanting to be an instant billionaire. Why does WeBook want to upend a $50B market? Frankly speaking, those terms are rediculous. At one of my past jobs we were quite happy with trying to get a 5% share of a $5B market. Even that scale is usually risky for a VC. These days it is even harder to get capital. Wallstreet is tight and it takes fire to fight fire. If you want to topple a $50B market, you had better be prepared to spend $100’s of millions. Or be lucky.

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