Doug Smith

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  • Doug Smith 12:28 pm on November 27, 2011
    6 votes

    Tags: , , LMS, , , , wiki   

    Please visit my Elevator Pitch below for a new Classroom LMS product called “Cloud LMS.” Truth be told, I would prefer to have done a video of myself speaking but a combination of me being a poor line memorizer, along with lighting and camera difficulties, led to the movie below. I like the narration though […]

    Continue reading Cloud Connect Posted in: Week 13: Venture Forum
    • andrea 10:11 pm on November 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      What a great elevator pitch! I really liked that you were clearly speaking to people about an investment opportunity, but that you also quickly described the product, identified the size of the market and existing issues for schools, and even spoke to the strength of your team’s skills. Well done!

    • jarvise 11:32 am on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I like your idea, and the rationale makes a lot of sense. I also liked your last two pages evaluating your own pitch. I wasn’t sure how to get that into my own. I never thought of just blatantly doing it. Good job! I would be hesitant to invest. Not because of any issues with your proposal, per se, but with the nature of the market you are targeting. A direct to schools pitch seems very risky. A lot of products that make so much sense for adoption within schools just can’t get traction, for no particular reason. The culture of the education system is weird this way. Unless you can attain fad status, unfortunately it seems difficult to gain widespread adoption. I would be much more comfortable investing in a product sold directly to students, parents, or companies. That being said, it doesn’t really fit with what you are proposing. I think that there are so many products emerging in this area at this time, that it may be too risky. Especially since many of them are free. Your elevator pitch was one of the best I have seen. Great work!

    • Deb Giesbrecht 5:34 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I had the same technical issues – not to mention I hate being in front of the camera! I liked your presentation – very well done. The graphics and concepts were very clearly defined and I think the market is very expanse. It would be challenging to set yourself a part from all the other Learning Management Systems out there – but your plan appears to be well researched and very feasible. Your elevator pitch does make me want to investigate the venture further, so I think you effectively did your homework! Great job!

    • Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 8:15 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Cloud Connect is a very interesting venture. It grabbed my attention quickly and I am keen on learning about how it works since it promises a new way for learning management systems which in my opinion is much needed today to cater to the different needs of today’s digital age learners.Considering that the LMS market is worth billions as stated, this is a venture I would definitely pursue. Great pitch.


    • hall 1:30 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      I like the idea of ‘Connect LMS’. The ideas presented in the pitch were clear and could be easily followed. The font size and graphics were very good. I absolutely think it is a brilliant idea especially as institutions are in search of effective and efficient tool to provide learning to a large number of students. The idea of using with primary and high school students is a plausible one and would definitely allow students to acquire conceptual knowledge rather than procedure knowledge at very tender age. Although I think is a good venture, I am concerned about your target market (primary and high school students). I think that your venture would be more marketable if you include the tertiary level students which have been proven to be a good target group.


    • Deb Kim 4:08 pm on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      This is a great idea! I liked your elevator pitch. It had enough information to grab people’s attention and was made clear what your venture is about. I also liked your venture proposal. When I first saw your elevator pitch, I wondered how Connect LMS would be different from other LMSs. You answered my question in your venture pitch. I especially liked the idea that Connect LMS is based on the currently available software products. It’ll make it easier for customers to use without learning new functions. I also liked the diagrams you added as a reference in your pitch. They made clear what you wanted to say about your venture.

      As you outlined in ‘The Challenge’ in your pitch, I’m also worried how you are going to advertise and compete against the already existing LMS such as Moodle. Moodle is pervasively used in many districts already, so there must be some unique features of Connect LMS that are different and more appealing than Moodle.
      Great work!


    • verenanz 12:05 am on December 1, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Clear, concise – grabs your attention, it was full of facts and details. You had the answers. Great integration of e-portfolio ideas, product based assesment and other themes from this course. Industry Canada would be VERY interested in speaking with you if you are ready to take it to the next step. I could give you a contact if you wanted one.
      Well done!

    • mcquaid 8:57 am on December 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      You’re my last review, Doug. Sorry it took me until now to get to you… on the plus side, though, it’s because you were in my top three!

      After watching your elevator pitch a few times, I wrote a few notes down like:
      – slick-looking
      – talk is a bit fast
      – enticing market
      – I may be in if what I see later is good enough!

      So here I am now, after seeing the rest of the pitch.

      Market-wise, it seems to make a lot of sense. There is definitely a trend for growth (as shown by your LMS infographic on page five), and your market share growth prediction on the same page would mean a growth of 15 – 37.5 million this year alone (in addition to the existing ¾ billion market size). It’s definitely enticing. Your SaaS approach, is good, but I felt a little hesitant when you said you would market it to individual teachers first. I would be worried that that would slow growth down, and by the time you had a strong base, could the window of opportunity for the product be gone?

      When combined with analytics later, the ability to tailor learning for students and make it personalized, I think, is where this could really shine. Personalized learning is pretty “buzzy” lately – who wouldn’t want things to be tailored to fit them, including learning?

      My remaining questions about the program are:

      – As you mentioned, teacher resistance – I wonder if that will be a significant hindrance, like in Zhao and Frank’s paper that looked at technology as an invasive species in a new ecosystem

      – What will really set it apart from its competitors and hook people? (I think you laid this out fairly well, but was waiting / wishing for something to grab me even more)

      – Related to the last point, I’d be scared to death of the free competitors you alluded to.

      – I’m curious as to what makes Shoebridge a “visionary” – I’ll have to look him up…

      – Just something nitpicky, from an LA teacher – your lack of hyphens for terms like “classroom based” drove me a little nuts!

      Overall, I thought that this was a good idea with great potential. With a little more tweaking after your EVA critiques here, you could be really on to something!



    • khenry 5:24 pm on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      Very good job on the elevator pitch! You had a good balance of voice and visuals and really got all the essential elements within your time. Nice tone and pace, but at times the pace teetered on being a little fast but you held it just enough. I clearly heard your problem, your solution, the competence of your team and reason for your venture, your market and market focus. I also read through your pitch. My main question would be would I really pay for this when I can access elements for free. Therefore, I think your focus and use of learning analytics and personalised programs along with increased collaboration and choice of user with tools are essential. Good job.


  • Doug Smith 6:15 am on November 26, 2011
    0 votes

    Hello, I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to contribute discussion posts for analytics (although I did get my survey in!). I appreciate the time and effort the group put into their presentation and I found their website to be very interesting and informative. FWIW, I recently came across a new LMS called LoudCloud. It is […]

    Continue reading Analystics Post Posted in: Week 12: Social Analytics
    • Deb Kim 1:28 pm on November 26, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      The name LoudCloud sounds interesting. I wonder why they named it LOUD. 🙂
      I just checked out the website ( and they explained about interesting product features and analytics well. It seems like they are targeting universities. I especially like the idea of having LoudBooks™ e-reader platform for collaboration.


    • Allie 6:55 am on November 27, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      No Worries, Doug – it’s been a hectic week for all of us! – and thanks for the heads up on LoudCloud. My hunch has long been that the market for LMS’ is quite conservative – at least within publicly funded education, though I could be wrong. I wonder how an upstart such as LoudCloud can gain traction within the market. Looking at Moodle’s history might be instructive in this regard.

  • Doug Smith 12:00 pm on November 18, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , meaningful,   

    I find Koole’s framework to almost be a bit naive in its scope.  I would argue that the framework applies equally to all computers, mobile or not.  I understand that mobile is always there, but the pervasiveness of computers is ever-present.  For example, I don’t need my own mobile device to have the immediacy: I […]

    Continue reading Day 2 – my m-learning devices Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 12:23 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Great comment.

      1. The Koole framework can be applied to other computing devices, but I don’t see how that negates its value for mobiles. Have you ever read “The Design of Everyday Things” by Norman? As simple as frameworks may be, it seems that designers don’t use them when they design. It’s fun to read reviews of mobiles and tablets coming out and see how they have amazing features, but they aren’t that usable.

      2. Authenticity and collaboration are potentials for m-learning that don’t seem to be leveraged right now. It seems that imagination is required to break out of expectations that learning requires drill and kill, masses of reading, or classroom use. It seems the affordances of mobile really get lost for some reason, perhaps because it’s far easier to try to do what we’ve done before, even if the context has changed.

      3. This is interesting: “However, the issue that grabs me is that I think the smartphone is not necessarily contextual, and I think it can lead to very shallow (ie not meaningful) outcomes.” Please elaborate. I;’m thinking of augmented reality being highly contextual… and GPS… and even the motion sensors in mobiles… can you explain?

      4. “I could say a lot about this, but suffice it to say that the wrong analysis is easily made when we rely on people that have conflicting interests, or simply a lack of knowledge in learning theories.”

      This is painfully true. Even in my domain, you can call yourself an instructional designer without having any formal training whatsoever. Designers I’ve interviewed range from former English teachers with no training, to people with certifications from a week-long course, no Masters and Ph.ds specialized in instructional design. Even within our own department, people who have gadget fetishes tend not to discuss the con-side of technology use. In the Clark (methods) vs Kozma (media) debate, I am firmly with Clark.

      The issue is really how do the affordances of mobile enable more interesting methods! Not how does the new media improve engagement with the same old tired and often ineffective methods. The problem is developing good apps is extremely costly. I would like to see mobiles leveraged as a way of using the real world to teach and exemplify concepts. If you want to teach science, don’t rely on the tiny screen of a mobile to replace a textbook, a lecture, or an experiment. Instead, use the mobile to guide a learner through conducting experiments and observations and collecting data to put their learning into practice.

      What do you think?

      • Doug Smith 3:39 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        re: 3
        I think your examples are contextual, but I’m not sure that his how m-learning often makes use of device functions, if barely at all. Most mobiles are predominately media/web utilized, this is clear. Now, that certainly doesn’t negate the framework or the potential, but at some point we do have acknowledge the reality (I’m not suggesting that you are not!). I’m certainly no expert on this, but the vast majority of m-learning uses I hear about through my PLN (anecdotal) come down to very menial tasks. There may be context, but the meaningful learning seems forgotten, or perhaps never thought of in the first place. I’m talking about tasks that probably would never be considered if it was pen and paper, all of a sudden gain traction because it can be done on a device.

        In addition to the above, I do believe there are separate contextual problems. This comes down to byte-sized information given out and consumed in small chunks at a time. It’s a type of reductionism where context can easily be lost. I’m sort of thinking that context is often created through synthesis, and synthesis is lost in bit-by-bit consumption of knowledge. I’m sort of thinking of these ideas while typing, so I maybe off-base. I imagine there is some truth to what I’m saying though.

        As both you and I allude to, the real issue is how to leverage the m-device for m-learning. Clearly this is through communication capabilities, as this is where our current m-devices excel. I also like your idea as a scientific data collector – I can see this taking off as wireless technologies expand and the usb port fades away into obscurity.


        • David William Price 9:11 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          I have to agree that the affordances of mobile are not used in m-learning people are talking about… but it was the same in early e-learning and there are still many people doing “page turners” instead of more interesting things like this simple but effective concept:

          The byte-sized learning proposed for mobiles is about refreshing and coaching within authentic contexts for stuff already learned more thoroughly elsewhere. A mobile might guide you through heuristics to push your learning through application and evaluation and creation.

          I don’t really see mobiles as a replacement for laptops and classrooms. I don’t share the excitement of gadget freaks about having every new gadget replace everything (I suspect that kind of logic is used to justify the expense for early adopters!). Instead I see mobiles as part of a set of tools, a particular tool that allows for leveraging different learning theories. As you mentioned before, you have to know the learning theories in order to understand which tools are best for which approaches!

  • Doug Smith 7:15 am on November 16, 2011
    0 votes

    I think it some ways, I do a lot of m-learning.  I’m a teacher in secondary school, public education, and here are some of the things I use m-learning for. 1. I have my students use their cell phones in class in order to do polls in Poll Everywhere.  This is based on Eric Mazur’s […]

    Continue reading Day 1: my m-learning Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • schiong 8:17 am on November 16, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      hi Doug,

      What sort of questions do you ask in your poll? Besides doing poll, what other fun stuff do you ask your students to do with their mobile devices?

      Can I assume that there are no computers in your class that is why you are using mobile devices?


    • David William Price 8:27 am on November 16, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your post!

      #1, 2 & 3 fit into the concept “m-learning is using a mobile device”

      #4 fits into the concept “m-learning is learning while being mobile”

      What are the possibilities of expanding #4 for your own students for your own classes? How might they take their learning into the world and collect photo/audio/video artifacts, collaborate and coordinate digitally, and use their learning with their mobiles providing performance support guidance… and then report it back to class either synchronously or later on?

      • Doug Smith 6:15 am on November 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Yes, this is an important question David, both from a point of expanding a market and from a social-political point of view.

        I have had students create videos on revealing misconceptions in science, by using mobile devices to record interviews. That is just one small example. There is also the idea that we are pushing our students (knowingly or unknowingly) to have expensive mobile devices. It’s sort of creating a public/private divide in public education. In BC right now there is a push from the Minister of Education to encourage students and teachers to use and implement personal computing devices in school. It sounds great and has a lot of upsides. Unfortunately, it is easy to go to a school and see 85% of the students with mobile devices, and then travel 20min to another school and see only 10% of the students with mobile devices.


        • David William Price 1:02 pm on November 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          Great idea with recording interviews… and a great point about the digital divide.

          One of the amazing things even about the simplest mobile phones over the last few years is their ability to record audio, video and take pictures. I suspect that there are crates full of these old phones taken in by service providers that you may be able to appropriate for use in schools… perhaps you could sell the idea to providers by saying these are entry level devices.

          Another point is that these device have affordances (such as recording audio) but those affordances are also available by other means (tape recorders you could pick up at the local Salvation Army). To me, the affordances are the key aspect rather than the tech itself. If kids have mobiles, we can take advantage of those affordances… but if not, they can find older tech that offers the same affordances.

          For instance… I did my journalism degree using a tape recorder. These days, people use iPhones! Both ways still work.

  • Doug Smith 4:18 pm on November 5, 2011
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    Tags: , capitalists, ,   

    In regards to creation vs consumption with the iPad… If I am about to create media for tomorrow’s lessons, what tool am I going to use? My tablet, laptop or desktop? While the former two may be more comfortable in the sense that I can stretch out on the couch with them, by far and […]

    Continue reading Discussion #3 – a couple of more thoughts Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • David William Price 8:50 am on November 6, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      “Why haven’t EV capitalists taken advantage of the iPad? How come one year ago a bunch of EVC didn’t develop a bunch of amazing support tools and media for the iPad in education”

      I suspect the reason is that most software used for education is not designed for education.

      MS Word, PowerPoint, Google, reference apps, note-taking apps, etc.

      A major trend is users demanding to use their own technology within companies and educational institutions. People already have the hardware and software tools they’re comfortable with. Does it make sense to get into a “get rich slow” educational niche when you can build a tool that everyone wants to use?

      I think the prevalence of behaviourist apps in the education market simply highlights how poorly we integrate authentic learning into formal education. When people want to solve a real-world problem, they follow heuristics to find, evaluate, and implement information. I think it was Papert who said a child may not be able to add 3 + 3, but he certainly knows if someone else has more cookies than he does.

  • Doug Smith 5:31 pm on November 1, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: Android, content, , , rich media, WinMo   

    Question: Is there a market for this technology within education? I believe that there is a market for this technology in education, albeit quite limited. Steve Kaufman’s reasons on why the iPad will change education are all valid, but they don’t necessarily speak to the market itself, as is. The iPad in its current incarnation […]

    Continue reading Discussion #2 – iPad in education Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Deb Giesbrecht 6:19 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      If Apple strategically places itself in educational institutions – similar to what Gates did with Microsoft – the potential future market would be expansive. I think you are right though – the present incarnation of the ipad is limiting. It will be interesting to see where they will go from here – post Steve Jobs.

      Presently there are limitations. I agree with you – I am not sure the cost outweighs the benefits. As well, the durability of the device amongst school age children may be more of a problem then school boards want to take on right now. Maybe a highly indestructible design would assist in opening the market a bit. However, the biggest obstacle is likely the inability to run Flash media.

      • Doug Smith 8:59 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        There are workarounds for Flash, albeit probably not ones that a school will want to engage in.
        Unless there is a massive change in the way public schools are run, I have no doubts that the iPad market in Canadian public education will stay around zero. There is no way that each student will be given a $600 device that has a shelf-life of maybe 2 years (not counting devices that get broken). It’s not even close. Perhaps universities are a better place to look, but then again, I don’t think university students are that interested in apps that have primary level math games.

        A typical secondary school in Vancouver can barely keep computer labs running with 3 year old computers at a ratio of around 14 to 20 students per $450 computer (latest quote for a Dell PC purchased by the school district).

  • Doug Smith 3:20 pm on October 27, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: cloud, iTunes, McLuhan, ,   

    Paying homage to the McLuhan Centenary, I think the emergence cloud computing will be significant to education in that the actual learning materials will be shifting to something new. I’ve previously mentioned the iTunes-ization of media when discussing eBooks, and I think this can be further generalized. People are obviously excited over iCloud ie iTunes […]

    Continue reading The Cloud Changing the Message Posted in: Week 08: Files in the Cloud
    • mcquaid 3:44 pm on October 27, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      A great connection to McLuhan, Doug. The message / point of using cloud-based things can just be the fact that you’re using cloud-based things. It’s a mind shift in many cases more than anything else.

    • khenry 6:59 am on October 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      Do you think it’s the cloud changing the message or rather that technology itself is evolving to what is a more ‘natural response’. McLuhan says the medium is the message and technology in education has previously been driven by what educators think are the ‘best’ media but now ‘students’ are driving the media, the needs of society are also driving the media in order to get out their message hence now the message is driving the media/technology? Our ability to harness/ facilitate the ‘natural response’ is what I believe is key to future successful ventures. Thoughts?


    • andrea 1:59 pm on October 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      I completely agree that the possibilities with cloud technologies could transform how we consume and create text and other content.

      This is a bit of a tangent, but your post also reminded me of the proposed changes to Canadian copyright law, which on the one hand makes it legal for people share media files within their own system across different tools, and on the other restricts them from doing this if there is any digital lock in place. However, there are other interesting aspects of this: an article in the Globe & Mail mentions how Canada’s proposed new copyright law “requires students to destroy copyright-protected, online components of courses after receiving their final grade.”

      It seems that while technology forges ahead making new things possible, government thinking about digital learning materials.


  • Doug Smith 6:41 pm on October 19, 2011
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    Tags: , , , , joomla,   

    I first started blogging in 2006. In some ways it was an educational experience, where I was blogging about my trials and tribulations on building a sea kayak. From this, I turned my blog into a general purpose weblog, which is a bit of a no-no. However, I use my blog to communicate with friends […]

    Continue reading Day 1 on Day 3: My blog experience Posted in: Week 07: Blogs
    • bcourey 2:28 pm on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply definitely have a lot of experience with blogging and the various products available to do that with! I like the idea of linking the blog (and some link a wiki) to the class website – adds another dimension to the site. I have not explored Drupal or Joomla yet , but from some of the blogs I researched, they are popular for content management. I too am a Twitter-for-professional learning fan – I have found more interesting blogs and articles from my network – maybe I should call Twitter my door to the world of my interests based on who I follow. Thanks for your post!

    • Everton Walker 2:28 pm on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Very informative. I need to check out a few of of those sites you mentioned. I also use my wordpress site as a CMS too. Using it for this purpose have given me more leverage to transform my space into more classroom-like setting. As a result, I am able to do more with my courses and even add things that are not a part of the courses.


    • Karen Jones 5:49 pm on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Your considerable exposure to a wide variety of blog platforms gives you a valuable perspective, Doug. It reinforced my initial impressions of several plateforms, and will definitely influence my future blog forays. What is “microblogging” – the equivalent of a blog “tweet”?


    • jenaca 12:22 am on October 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Doug, thanks for your informative post! It definitely sounds like you have a lot of blogging experience, something I can learn from! Blogging is very new to me, so I will definitely be checking out your blogging sites, and hope to gain more experience on blogging!

    • hall 4:14 am on October 23, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      Thank you for sharing your experience in using blogs. Joomla and Drupal are new to me and I intend to research on them. Your post has given me some useful ways of using blogs in my classroom

  • Doug Smith 9:47 pm on October 13, 2011
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    Tags: budget, , eInk, tablet   

    I am not personally aware of anyone using eBooks in the classroom, nor do I know of educators that use eBooks with their students. Others have posted about research on learning with eBooks, so I won’t comment on that (here). So that leaves me in a bit of a quandry. Do eBooks have a place […]

    Continue reading eBooks and Learners Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
    • hall 2:21 am on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      I think eBooks will transform our educational institutions. I have used eBooks with my students both in Mathematics and Physics. The students normally find them useful and convenient. There are a few students who find it difficult to study from eBooks but the alternative is that they can print the various sections of the books that are needed.

      • Doug Smith 5:05 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        I can see this happening in private or post-secondary education, but I don’t see it happening in the public system.

        I’m curious: what kind of devices do your students use to read eBooks on math and physics? Who paid for them? What titles do you use for physics – I am very interested in this! Our school somehow has no textbook for Physics 11.

    • bcourey 4:03 am on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      We have a Kindle project going on in 4 Grade 7/8 classrooms that have found very low engagement in reading by the adolescent boys. We purchased sets of 6 for each classroom and purchased several books from Amazon (each book can be downloaded to 6 Kindles) and are gathering data on the engagement of the boys with reading. We definitely see that the technology piqued their interest and the students (girls too, but not so much as boys) ask to use the Kindles regularly. 2-3 of the students in each class make regular use of the text to speech feature on the Kindle – they prefer this over the use of the audio books (on tape cassettes) that are also in the room – cooler to use the Kindle than the old technology. We are waiting to see if the novelty wears off and the reading time drops off…not sure yet. The same boys who are in their second year of Kindle use are still using them regularly – a few of them now have their own readers purchased by parents…interesting so far.

      • Doug Smith 5:03 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Regardless of the educational outcomes, are schools able to spend $100 per student on an eBook, along with purchasing new books that the departments already have in hardcopy? And even if some grants appear in special cases, what are the chances of getting another round of financing or grants once the eBooks break, become obsolete, or generally die? I just don’t see it happening. But then again, I’m not a finance guy!

    • Allie 12:39 pm on October 14, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      I really appreciate that you are bringing a more sober account; I think it’s really crucial. Your comment re: increase in computers (or lack thereof) is interesting, and makes me think that a valuable study for us would be which technologies *have* gained traction in different educational marketplaces, and which haven’t. I say different marketplaces because post-sec – where my instructional experience lies – is quite different from K-12.

      Bcourey (my apologies, I don’t remember your proper first name!), I also think you’re right to point out that there’s a novelty factor that we need to be wary of.


  • Doug Smith 8:47 pm on October 11, 2011
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    Tags: , ereader, , , publishing   

    I’m a bit wary of some of the “pros” that are made for the ebook format.  A friend of mine is involved in new media publishing, and just returned from New York where he met with publishers (his 2nd trip there).  I don’t have solid numbers to back up my claim, but it is my […]

    Continue reading Publishing and Opportunities Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
    • kstooshnov 8:46 am on October 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the CBC link, Doug, and how could I forget to mention the Chapters/Indigo Kobo – how un-Canadian of me!

      Great comparison between the eReader that will win the battle like VHS, which I would add won the battle of analogue video, but lost the war to digital video. When the same battle between HD DVD and Blu Ray was supposedly raging a couple years ago, lots of movie studios were unsure which way to go, as they didn’t want to invest on the losing side. WIthout having a large selection of content to offer, eReaders seem to be dragging behind. Once more news outlets embrace the digital environment, daily newspapers or weekly magazines will be on the frontlines for eBook market.

      • Karen Jones 6:50 pm on October 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Kyle,
        Beta or VHS? The whole proprietary lock of different brands of e-readers being compatible with certain text formats definitely directed my purchase of the Sony, and my use of the software Calibre. For example, BC has an online library that is accessible through our city library and library card. Through this website one may borrow Adobe EPUB eBooks, Adobe PDF eBooks, OverDrive WMA Audiobooks, and OverDrive MP3 Audiobooks. While all e-readers seem compatible with PDF’s, Kindle does not support the EPUB format, which on my Sony, seems to have the “best” formatting. To address this issue, the desktop software, Calibre, will convert most any format to that desired for a huge number of e-reader brands.

        However, it is this plethora of brands and e-book formats that would make me hesitate to dive into the ereader market, if I were purchasing for a school board. It seems that you would either have to have an idea of what titles schools wanted to buy, and work backwards from there, or a magic ball to foresee which device and text formats are left after the market dust settles. For my money, I would guess that an Apple product would be the best bet, as its iBook works on a variety of formats, and many people already possess a compatible device. Time will tell!

    • Everton Walker 12:03 pm on October 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi All,

      I like how you set up the technological warfare. It will only be time before existing technologies are replaced. It’s just a natural phase. That’s the main reason I don’t think we should treat older technologies as outcasts because of the arrival of new ones. Every technology was valuable during its time and should be treated accordingly.


    • mcquaid 7:39 am on October 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Good comparison to music, Doug. I know I read in bite-size chunks, and I think my attention span overall (squirrel!) has suffered from my increased connection to digital media in the last ten years. Whether it be attention span, interests, or work, I find the only time I can sit and listen to an album (vinyl, tape, or even CD) the way I used to is in the car on the way to and from work. I never get “headphones” time with music anymore. Similarly, I don’t often have the time to sit and quietly read a book for enjoyment, either. I usually find I get time to read in the car (when not driving this time) or when waiting at an office or something.

      The format size of things is changing, isn’t it… listening to whole albums has given way to a singles culture again. Perhaps reading is doing the same. Maybe I read in “singles” – bite-size bits I can skim through.

      I wonder about this headphones component, too. How headphones could better connect you with an album and block out distractions. What would be the equivalent for a book? A quiet room with a lamp? An eReader with no web browser?

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