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  • Doug Smith 12:28 pm on November 27, 2011
    6 votes

    Tags: , , LMS, mobile, , , wiki   

    Please visit my Elevator Pitch below for a new Classroom LMS product called “Cloud LMS.” Truth be told, I would prefer to have done a video of myself speaking but a combination of me being a poor line memorizer, along with lighting and camera difficulties, led to the movie below. I like the narration though […]

    Continue reading Cloud Connect Posted in: Week 13: Venture Forum
    • andrea 10:11 pm on November 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      What a great elevator pitch! I really liked that you were clearly speaking to people about an investment opportunity, but that you also quickly described the product, identified the size of the market and existing issues for schools, and even spoke to the strength of your team’s skills. Well done!

    • jarvise 11:32 am on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I like your idea, and the rationale makes a lot of sense. I also liked your last two pages evaluating your own pitch. I wasn’t sure how to get that into my own. I never thought of just blatantly doing it. Good job! I would be hesitant to invest. Not because of any issues with your proposal, per se, but with the nature of the market you are targeting. A direct to schools pitch seems very risky. A lot of products that make so much sense for adoption within schools just can’t get traction, for no particular reason. The culture of the education system is weird this way. Unless you can attain fad status, unfortunately it seems difficult to gain widespread adoption. I would be much more comfortable investing in a product sold directly to students, parents, or companies. That being said, it doesn’t really fit with what you are proposing. I think that there are so many products emerging in this area at this time, that it may be too risky. Especially since many of them are free. Your elevator pitch was one of the best I have seen. Great work!

    • Deb Giesbrecht 5:34 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I had the same technical issues – not to mention I hate being in front of the camera! I liked your presentation – very well done. The graphics and concepts were very clearly defined and I think the market is very expanse. It would be challenging to set yourself a part from all the other Learning Management Systems out there – but your plan appears to be well researched and very feasible. Your elevator pitch does make me want to investigate the venture further, so I think you effectively did your homework! Great job!

    • Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 8:15 pm on November 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Cloud Connect is a very interesting venture. It grabbed my attention quickly and I am keen on learning about how it works since it promises a new way for learning management systems which in my opinion is much needed today to cater to the different needs of today’s digital age learners.Considering that the LMS market is worth billions as stated, this is a venture I would definitely pursue. Great pitch.


    • hall 1:30 am on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      I like the idea of ‘Connect LMS’. The ideas presented in the pitch were clear and could be easily followed. The font size and graphics were very good. I absolutely think it is a brilliant idea especially as institutions are in search of effective and efficient tool to provide learning to a large number of students. The idea of using with primary and high school students is a plausible one and would definitely allow students to acquire conceptual knowledge rather than procedure knowledge at very tender age. Although I think is a good venture, I am concerned about your target market (primary and high school students). I think that your venture would be more marketable if you include the tertiary level students which have been proven to be a good target group.


    • Deb Kim 4:08 pm on November 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      This is a great idea! I liked your elevator pitch. It had enough information to grab people’s attention and was made clear what your venture is about. I also liked your venture proposal. When I first saw your elevator pitch, I wondered how Connect LMS would be different from other LMSs. You answered my question in your venture pitch. I especially liked the idea that Connect LMS is based on the currently available software products. It’ll make it easier for customers to use without learning new functions. I also liked the diagrams you added as a reference in your pitch. They made clear what you wanted to say about your venture.

      As you outlined in ‘The Challenge’ in your pitch, I’m also worried how you are going to advertise and compete against the already existing LMS such as Moodle. Moodle is pervasively used in many districts already, so there must be some unique features of Connect LMS that are different and more appealing than Moodle.
      Great work!


    • verenanz 12:05 am on December 1, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Clear, concise – grabs your attention, it was full of facts and details. You had the answers. Great integration of e-portfolio ideas, product based assesment and other themes from this course. Industry Canada would be VERY interested in speaking with you if you are ready to take it to the next step. I could give you a contact if you wanted one.
      Well done!

    • mcquaid 8:57 am on December 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      You’re my last review, Doug. Sorry it took me until now to get to you… on the plus side, though, it’s because you were in my top three!

      After watching your elevator pitch a few times, I wrote a few notes down like:
      – slick-looking
      – talk is a bit fast
      – enticing market
      – I may be in if what I see later is good enough!

      So here I am now, after seeing the rest of the pitch.

      Market-wise, it seems to make a lot of sense. There is definitely a trend for growth (as shown by your LMS infographic on page five), and your market share growth prediction on the same page would mean a growth of 15 – 37.5 million this year alone (in addition to the existing ¾ billion market size). It’s definitely enticing. Your SaaS approach, is good, but I felt a little hesitant when you said you would market it to individual teachers first. I would be worried that that would slow growth down, and by the time you had a strong base, could the window of opportunity for the product be gone?

      When combined with analytics later, the ability to tailor learning for students and make it personalized, I think, is where this could really shine. Personalized learning is pretty “buzzy” lately – who wouldn’t want things to be tailored to fit them, including learning?

      My remaining questions about the program are:

      – As you mentioned, teacher resistance – I wonder if that will be a significant hindrance, like in Zhao and Frank’s paper that looked at technology as an invasive species in a new ecosystem

      – What will really set it apart from its competitors and hook people? (I think you laid this out fairly well, but was waiting / wishing for something to grab me even more)

      – Related to the last point, I’d be scared to death of the free competitors you alluded to.

      – I’m curious as to what makes Shoebridge a “visionary” – I’ll have to look him up…

      – Just something nitpicky, from an LA teacher – your lack of hyphens for terms like “classroom based” drove me a little nuts!

      Overall, I thought that this was a good idea with great potential. With a little more tweaking after your EVA critiques here, you could be really on to something!




    • khenry 5:24 pm on December 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      Very good job on the elevator pitch! You had a good balance of voice and visuals and really got all the essential elements within your time. Nice tone and pace, but at times the pace teetered on being a little fast but you held it just enough. I clearly heard your problem, your solution, the competence of your team and reason for your venture, your market and market focus. I also read through your pitch. My main question would be would I really pay for this when I can access elements for free. Therefore, I think your focus and use of learning analytics and personalised programs along with increased collaboration and choice of user with tools are essential. Good job.


  • Deb Kim 9:39 am on November 18, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , , , mobile, , web browsing,   

    What, when, where and how are you doing m-learning now? I use my mobile device, in particular my iPhone, mostly for web browsing, social networking, emailing, and posting and modifying WordPress posts. Three Math classes I’m currently teaching have a class blog. Whenever there are things I need to modify, I use the WorPress app […]

    Continue reading [DAY 1] What, When, Where and How…? Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 11:43 am on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Wow, it seems you’re quite mobile. You say “I spend most of my day outside”…. that’s quite different from a majority of our posters who spend most of their time at a desk with a computer.

      It sounds like the convenience of your mobile lets you keep up with work through the student blogs. How many of them use mobiles to post questions or do other learning activities?

      Sounds like the Bible app serves as a performance support… and you can “share” your mobile in your meetings by having it guide discussions. Very cool!

      How might you integrate a more mobile-supported learning model (being out of the classroom and roaming) with your students? Math is everywhere… how might it be made an authentic experience?

      • Deb Kim 3:02 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi David,
        I also spend half of my day at a desk with a computer as I’m a teacher. But considering that it’s usually 9 or 10pm when I arrive home due to other work and activities I do, my iPhone is always in my hand.
        I don’t know if my students use mobiles to post questions/comments, but emails I receive from them are sent from their mobiles quite many times.

        You raised a great question at the end, but I haven’t come up with good ways/methods to integrate a more mobile-supported learning model, especially for math. I personally think that Math is one of the most difficult subjects to teach when it comes around technology. Most of the apps that I see target young children so you can only acquire basic math skills. I think more apps targeting high school students should be developed in order to help students maintain their attention span.


        • David William Price 9:03 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          I remember what exciting me most about calculus was the real-world applications for it… I could calculate the terminal velocity of a penny dropped off the CN Tower. ok, that does sound a bit weird and that doesn’t excite me 20 years later, but math problems are always about real world issues… and I think mobiles are a potential way of scaffolding people through recognizing, confronting, re-enacting, and experiencing those problems and their implications.

  • Doug Smith 6:05 pm on September 7, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , device, , mobile, Playbook,   

    Hello Everyone, My name is Doug Smith and I’m entering my second year into the MET program.  I’m a teacher-on-call (ie substitute teacher) in Vancouver, focusing on math science and physics.  Prior to teaching I was a mechanical engineer for 15 years.  Partly due to my background, I’d like to develop and grow some skills […]

    Continue reading Blogging from Vancouver Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • bcourey 6:19 pm on September 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Good luck on your event! I am envious of your ambition in this race! And I would love to hear about your Playbook experience…I am a blackberry user surrounded by iPhones and iPad, but have quite an affinity for the Playbook despite the derision of the Apple users…am I crazy for wanting one over the iPad??

      • Doug Smith 8:09 am on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Not crazy at all, especially if you want a mobile device or something that is smaller. Only recommended for people with Blackberry phones though, but that may change in the next few weeks with an OS update. Otherwise, frankly, tablets all seem to behave relatively the same (I’m testing out an HP Touchpad right now). They have decent web browsers, apps for reading books, calendars, etc. Ask anyone with a tablet what apps they use the most, and you’ll see that most people would do okay with any platform.

    • Karen Jones 7:06 pm on September 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hey! Best of luck in the ride, Doug. You’ll be riding right past us 😎 Do you tether your Playbook to your phone’s data plan?

      • Doug Smith 8:11 am on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        I tether it all the time, the Blackberry Bridge is always connected. I have my email, contacts, calendar synced and can use the internet wherever there is a cell signal. I imagine most/all tablets have equally accessible tether options (I hope!).

    • Everton Walker 8:56 pm on September 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      All the best with your riding adventure. Good luck with your MET course when you return.

    • hall 7:05 pm on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug, I think we have met in one of the courses I have taken in this programme. I am happy to be in the same class with you. I am mathematics and physics teacher who I think that this programme will help me to be more marketable my profession.

      • Doug Smith 9:49 pm on September 11, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Conroy, you’re right. I think we took 512 together?
        I couldn’t find your introduction for a while, then I realized that it was posted under “uncategorized”. I was trying to figure out who “hall” was.
        Have a good course!

    • Deb Kim 2:31 pm on September 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      I see our UBC Elearning website in your Playbook pic. Did you open the website using Safari or Internet Explorer? I’ve tried opening the website on my iPhone as I’m always carrying my mobile device with me just like you. It’s very convenient and efficient, isn’t it? I’m also amazed that many places (e.g. mall, retaurant, bank, etc.) offer free WiFi these days.
      Nice meeting you and looking forward to working with you. 🙂


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