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  • Deb Kim 9:39 am on November 18, 2011
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    Tags: , iPhone, , , , web browsing,   

    What, when, where and how are you doing m-learning now? I use my mobile device, in particular my iPhone, mostly for web browsing, social networking, emailing, and posting and modifying WordPress posts. Three Math classes I’m currently teaching have a class blog. Whenever there are things I need to modify, I use the WorPress app […]

    Continue reading [DAY 1] What, When, Where and How…? Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 11:43 am on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Wow, it seems you’re quite mobile. You say “I spend most of my day outside”…. that’s quite different from a majority of our posters who spend most of their time at a desk with a computer.

      It sounds like the convenience of your mobile lets you keep up with work through the student blogs. How many of them use mobiles to post questions or do other learning activities?

      Sounds like the Bible app serves as a performance support… and you can “share” your mobile in your meetings by having it guide discussions. Very cool!

      How might you integrate a more mobile-supported learning model (being out of the classroom and roaming) with your students? Math is everywhere… how might it be made an authentic experience?

      • Deb Kim 3:02 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi David,
        I also spend half of my day at a desk with a computer as I’m a teacher. But considering that it’s usually 9 or 10pm when I arrive home due to other work and activities I do, my iPhone is always in my hand.
        I don’t know if my students use mobiles to post questions/comments, but emails I receive from them are sent from their mobiles quite many times.

        You raised a great question at the end, but I haven’t come up with good ways/methods to integrate a more mobile-supported learning model, especially for math. I personally think that Math is one of the most difficult subjects to teach when it comes around technology. Most of the apps that I see target young children so you can only acquire basic math skills. I think more apps targeting high school students should be developed in order to help students maintain their attention span.


        • David William Price 9:03 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          I remember what exciting me most about calculus was the real-world applications for it… I could calculate the terminal velocity of a penny dropped off the CN Tower. ok, that does sound a bit weird and that doesn’t excite me 20 years later, but math problems are always about real world issues… and I think mobiles are a potential way of scaffolding people through recognizing, confronting, re-enacting, and experiencing those problems and their implications.

  • andrea 8:52 pm on November 15, 2011
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    Tags: , iPhone   

    My current m-learning activities are ad hoc — when I need to quickly figure something out (for example, while cooking dinner I needed to know how many cups were in a quart) my phone is the go-to tool. I listen to a few podcasts, and while these can be quite educational, they’re chose for their […]

    Continue reading Day 1 & 2 – Brain Food Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 11:35 pm on November 15, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your post. You’ve brought up some common uses of m-learning: drill-and-kill and performance support (looking up simple info when you need it).

      Early e-learning on PCs was similarly limited… and yet now includes some pretty amazing alternatives. How might using augmented reality or the affordances for sound, video and photo capture combined with in-the-field authentic learning change your mobile experience?

  • Deb Kim 12:30 pm on October 12, 2011
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    Tags: , Classics, , , , iPhone, reader, Stanza   

    My first experience with an eBook would be when I installed apps called Stanza and Classics to my iPhone about 2 years ago.  Stanza is an app which you can download a selection of more than 50,000 contemporary books from its partner stores. It also allows you to download classics and recent works from Project Gutenberg, Feedbooks, and other sources.       […]

    Continue reading My eBook Experience Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
    • schiong 3:51 pm on October 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I agree with your health issues. I guess we need to moderate the use of eBook (especially with children). Getting a pair of eyeglass is not cheap.

    • Deb Kim 9:54 am on October 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      @ Schiong: I agree with you. In addition to glasses, affording eBook or iPad is expensive as well. But, eyes also hurt when we read a book in the dark or watch TV. We might need glasses even though we don’t use eBook. Which one do you think is worth possessing more in the end? eBook or paper books?

      Many people like eBook for its convenience and portability. However, it’s more expensive than buying paper books. On the other hand, since my eBook, for example, has more than 50 000 novels, buying eBook is a lot cheaper than buying 50 000 paper books in the end.
      Not considering health issues (eyes), then eBook is very useful, isn’t it?


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