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  • Doug Smith 3:20 pm on October 27, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: cloud, iTunes, McLuhan, media,   

    Paying homage to the McLuhan Centenary, I think the emergence cloud computing will be significant to education in that the actual learning materials will be shifting to something new. I’ve previously mentioned the iTunes-ization of media when discussing eBooks, and I think this can be further generalized. People are obviously excited over iCloud ie iTunes […]

    Continue reading The Cloud Changing the Message Posted in: Week 08: Files in the Cloud
    • mcquaid 3:44 pm on October 27, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      A great connection to McLuhan, Doug. The message / point of using cloud-based things can just be the fact that you’re using cloud-based things. It’s a mind shift in many cases more than anything else.

    • khenry 6:59 am on October 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,
      Do you think it’s the cloud changing the message or rather that technology itself is evolving to what is a more ‘natural response’. McLuhan says the medium is the message and technology in education has previously been driven by what educators think are the ‘best’ media but now ‘students’ are driving the media, the needs of society are also driving the media in order to get out their message hence now the message is driving the media/technology? Our ability to harness/ facilitate the ‘natural response’ is what I believe is key to future successful ventures. Thoughts?


    • andrea 1:59 pm on October 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Doug,

      I completely agree that the possibilities with cloud technologies could transform how we consume and create text and other content.

      This is a bit of a tangent, but your post also reminded me of the proposed changes to Canadian copyright law, which on the one hand makes it legal for people share media files within their own system across different tools, and on the other restricts them from doing this if there is any digital lock in place. However, there are other interesting aspects of this: an article in the Globe & Mail mentions how Canada’s proposed new copyright law “requires students to destroy copyright-protected, online components of courses after receiving their final grade.”

      It seems that while technology forges ahead making new things possible, government thinking about digital learning materials.


  • Doug Smith 8:47 pm on October 11, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , ereader, , media, publishing   

    I’m a bit wary of some of the “pros” that are made for the ebook format.  A friend of mine is involved in new media publishing, and just returned from New York where he met with publishers (his 2nd trip there).  I don’t have solid numbers to back up my claim, but it is my […]

    Continue reading Publishing and Opportunities Posted in: Week 06: eBooks
    • kstooshnov 8:46 am on October 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the CBC link, Doug, and how could I forget to mention the Chapters/Indigo Kobo – how un-Canadian of me!

      Great comparison between the eReader that will win the battle like VHS, which I would add won the battle of analogue video, but lost the war to digital video. When the same battle between HD DVD and Blu Ray was supposedly raging a couple years ago, lots of movie studios were unsure which way to go, as they didn’t want to invest on the losing side. WIthout having a large selection of content to offer, eReaders seem to be dragging behind. Once more news outlets embrace the digital environment, daily newspapers or weekly magazines will be on the frontlines for eBook market.

      • Karen Jones 6:50 pm on October 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Kyle,
        Beta or VHS? The whole proprietary lock of different brands of e-readers being compatible with certain text formats definitely directed my purchase of the Sony, and my use of the software Calibre. For example, BC has an online library that is accessible through our city library and library card. Through this website one may borrow Adobe EPUB eBooks, Adobe PDF eBooks, OverDrive WMA Audiobooks, and OverDrive MP3 Audiobooks. While all e-readers seem compatible with PDF’s, Kindle does not support the EPUB format, which on my Sony, seems to have the “best” formatting. To address this issue, the desktop software, Calibre, will convert most any format to that desired for a huge number of e-reader brands.

        However, it is this plethora of brands and e-book formats that would make me hesitate to dive into the ereader market, if I were purchasing for a school board. It seems that you would either have to have an idea of what titles schools wanted to buy, and work backwards from there, or a magic ball to foresee which device and text formats are left after the market dust settles. For my money, I would guess that an Apple product would be the best bet, as its iBook works on a variety of formats, and many people already possess a compatible device. Time will tell!

    • Everton Walker 12:03 pm on October 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi All,

      I like how you set up the technological warfare. It will only be time before existing technologies are replaced. It’s just a natural phase. That’s the main reason I don’t think we should treat older technologies as outcasts because of the arrival of new ones. Every technology was valuable during its time and should be treated accordingly.


    • mcquaid 7:39 am on October 13, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Good comparison to music, Doug. I know I read in bite-size chunks, and I think my attention span overall (squirrel!) has suffered from my increased connection to digital media in the last ten years. Whether it be attention span, interests, or work, I find the only time I can sit and listen to an album (vinyl, tape, or even CD) the way I used to is in the car on the way to and from work. I never get “headphones” time with music anymore. Similarly, I don’t often have the time to sit and quietly read a book for enjoyment, either. I usually find I get time to read in the car (when not driving this time) or when waiting at an office or something.

      The format size of things is changing, isn’t it… listening to whole albums has given way to a singles culture again. Perhaps reading is doing the same. Maybe I read in “singles” – bite-size bits I can skim through.

      I wonder about this headphones component, too. How headphones could better connect you with an album and block out distractions. What would be the equivalent for a book? A quiet room with a lamp? An eReader with no web browser?

  • Jim 7:24 pm on September 28, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: Ben Papell, comment, conversation, media, social, Steve Muth,   

    Meet Steve Muth and Ben Papell, co-founders of VoiceThread, LLC.  VoiceThread is located in Boca Raton, FL and filed as a limited liability company on January 1, 2006.  If you are interested, here is a 53 minute interview with both Steve and Ben from Mr. Media conducted in December, 2008.  The interview is excellent for […]

    Continue reading Steve Muth and Ben Papell :: Co-founders of VoiceThread, LLC Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • themusicwoman 8:59 pm on September 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Nice outline and links to more information. I also appreciate the fact that finding out information on the founders can be difficult! Considering it is a fairly new venture, I’m not surprised. I am impressed with these entrepeneurs who can identify a need and then go ahead and create it. Or is it an innovation? Hmm.

    • David William Price 4:37 pm on September 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting… a cheap Camtasia/screen recording s/w?

    • Karen Jones 11:45 am on September 30, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jim,

      Given all the exposure VoiceThread has been given in pro-d circles, I am surprised that there isn’t much biography info on the founders! I love this product and have used it in lots of ETEC assignments, but ironically, not in my class. This product seemed to go “commercial” really quickly, requiring $$ to expand the free basic subscription, although the educational site is a pretty good deal. What sets it apart from other recording s/w is the ability to record comments that appear linked to avatars, and to play them back asynchronously, thereby making it really useful for creating an online discussion community.

      Thanks for the info!

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