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  • Doug Smith 12:00 pm on November 18, 2011
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    Tags: iPad, meaningful,   

    I find Koole’s framework to almost be a bit naive in its scope.  I would argue that the framework applies equally to all computers, mobile or not.  I understand that mobile is always there, but the pervasiveness of computers is ever-present.  For example, I don’t need my own mobile device to have the immediacy: I […]

    Continue reading Day 2 – my m-learning devices Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 12:23 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Great comment.

      1. The Koole framework can be applied to other computing devices, but I don’t see how that negates its value for mobiles. Have you ever read “The Design of Everyday Things” by Norman? As simple as frameworks may be, it seems that designers don’t use them when they design. It’s fun to read reviews of mobiles and tablets coming out and see how they have amazing features, but they aren’t that usable.

      2. Authenticity and collaboration are potentials for m-learning that don’t seem to be leveraged right now. It seems that imagination is required to break out of expectations that learning requires drill and kill, masses of reading, or classroom use. It seems the affordances of mobile really get lost for some reason, perhaps because it’s far easier to try to do what we’ve done before, even if the context has changed.

      3. This is interesting: “However, the issue that grabs me is that I think the smartphone is not necessarily contextual, and I think it can lead to very shallow (ie not meaningful) outcomes.” Please elaborate. I;’m thinking of augmented reality being highly contextual… and GPS… and even the motion sensors in mobiles… can you explain?

      4. “I could say a lot about this, but suffice it to say that the wrong analysis is easily made when we rely on people that have conflicting interests, or simply a lack of knowledge in learning theories.”

      This is painfully true. Even in my domain, you can call yourself an instructional designer without having any formal training whatsoever. Designers I’ve interviewed range from former English teachers with no training, to people with certifications from a week-long course, no Masters and Ph.ds specialized in instructional design. Even within our own department, people who have gadget fetishes tend not to discuss the con-side of technology use. In the Clark (methods) vs Kozma (media) debate, I am firmly with Clark.

      The issue is really how do the affordances of mobile enable more interesting methods! Not how does the new media improve engagement with the same old tired and often ineffective methods. The problem is developing good apps is extremely costly. I would like to see mobiles leveraged as a way of using the real world to teach and exemplify concepts. If you want to teach science, don’t rely on the tiny screen of a mobile to replace a textbook, a lecture, or an experiment. Instead, use the mobile to guide a learner through conducting experiments and observations and collecting data to put their learning into practice.

      What do you think?

      • Doug Smith 3:39 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        re: 3
        I think your examples are contextual, but I’m not sure that his how m-learning often makes use of device functions, if barely at all. Most mobiles are predominately media/web utilized, this is clear. Now, that certainly doesn’t negate the framework or the potential, but at some point we do have acknowledge the reality (I’m not suggesting that you are not!). I’m certainly no expert on this, but the vast majority of m-learning uses I hear about through my PLN (anecdotal) come down to very menial tasks. There may be context, but the meaningful learning seems forgotten, or perhaps never thought of in the first place. I’m talking about tasks that probably would never be considered if it was pen and paper, all of a sudden gain traction because it can be done on a device.

        In addition to the above, I do believe there are separate contextual problems. This comes down to byte-sized information given out and consumed in small chunks at a time. It’s a type of reductionism where context can easily be lost. I’m sort of thinking that context is often created through synthesis, and synthesis is lost in bit-by-bit consumption of knowledge. I’m sort of thinking of these ideas while typing, so I maybe off-base. I imagine there is some truth to what I’m saying though.

        As both you and I allude to, the real issue is how to leverage the m-device for m-learning. Clearly this is through communication capabilities, as this is where our current m-devices excel. I also like your idea as a scientific data collector – I can see this taking off as wireless technologies expand and the usb port fades away into obscurity.


        • David William Price 9:11 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          I have to agree that the affordances of mobile are not used in m-learning people are talking about… but it was the same in early e-learning and there are still many people doing “page turners” instead of more interesting things like this simple but effective concept:


          The byte-sized learning proposed for mobiles is about refreshing and coaching within authentic contexts for stuff already learned more thoroughly elsewhere. A mobile might guide you through heuristics to push your learning through application and evaluation and creation.

          I don’t really see mobiles as a replacement for laptops and classrooms. I don’t share the excitement of gadget freaks about having every new gadget replace everything (I suspect that kind of logic is used to justify the expense for early adopters!). Instead I see mobiles as part of a set of tools, a particular tool that allows for leveraging different learning theories. As you mentioned before, you have to know the learning theories in order to understand which tools are best for which approaches!

  • jarvise 6:58 am on November 17, 2011
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    Tags: , , , iPad, myhomework   

    Day 1 I am not engaged in m-learning in any large way outside of the house. I have an ipad2, but use it basically at home. The only ‘mobile’ element to my use of it at home is using it while on the elliptical exercise machine. It fits nicely in the magazine-holder shelf. I’ve watched […]

    Continue reading tap…tap…1,2,3,4 Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 11:51 am on November 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Very cool idea!

      I love the concept of giving parents a way to monitor what’s happening. The BrainHoney LMS provides for parental accounts (http://www.muhsd.k12.ca.us/Page/7523) as does the JASON Project, a complete science learning curriculum with a classroom management/assessment/forum backend that supports student, teacher, and parent accounts, each with a different set of access restrictions (http://www.jason.org/public/WhatIs/JMC.aspx).

      How could you take this a step further…. and use mobiles to leverage parents to contribute authentic learning experiences to your students? What you’re teaching will have authentic applications in parents’ workplaces, hobbies, vacations, etc. How can you use their mobiles to funnel in those experiences, collect data in photos, audio and video, and collaborate in real time with voice conferencing for guest speaking?

      I’m researching anxiety management applied to learning and I’ve found there are two main thrusts (which reflect habits in the real world as well). One path is to remove as many anxiety-causing elements as possible from learning environments. Many teachers are afraid to frighten students with Socratic questioning, or to have them do more than one presentation. The other path is to scaffold students in managing their anxiety… have them do activities that cause small amounts of anxiety but provide the tools they need to learn to manage those experiences, and build on them with multiple experiences and continuous improvement.

      I think the whole banning concept is analogical. We ban things (avoidance in psychology parlance) to make our fears go away instead of embracing our fears and looking for ways to turn our fears into opportunities for new ways of learning. What do you think?

  • Tamara Wong 1:30 pm on November 6, 2011
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    Tags: iPad   

    As an EVA I would be tempted to first apply the Bates and Poole sections model to look at whether or not the iPad would be a smart investment for the classroom.   S- Students: As others have pointed out younger students would be the best candidates for iPad in the classroom as they are […]

    Continue reading Discussion # 3 Bates and Poole tells it all Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Jim 1:48 pm on November 6, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Genius! I totally forgot about Bates and Poole! Thanks! I will be incorporating their framework into my venture pitch assignment!

    • mcquaid 3:32 pm on November 6, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I, too, use Bates & Poole’s SECTIONS model. Ever since I came across that piece in a previous course, I keep it in mind all of the time. Very useful.

  • Tamara Wong 1:28 pm on November 6, 2011
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    Tags: iPad   

     I don’t currently use an iPad in my class and I don’t own one – I have a blackberry playbook.  I got the playbook because of it’s size, it is easier to thumb type than one finger type like on the iPad, it’s multitasking abilities, and it’s ability to run flash.  The biggest advantage my […]

    Continue reading Discussion #2 – Too frustrating for an ESL adult Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Juliana 2:16 pm on November 6, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Tamara,

      Thank you for your post. I like the fact that you brought this other perspective to the discussion. It is true that we need to think about what the incorporation of technology does for our students. For instance, does it make learning better or does it make it more frustrating? I remember the same thing came up about Second Life and its use in education. The immersive learning environment can be great for adults to learn in complex situations, but many of the students found that trying to interact with the Second Life platform was very frustrating.


    • Deb Giesbrecht 2:35 pm on November 6, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Great point Tamara – user frustration and the learning curve that comes with it. The ipad is built to be very intuitive, however, not every user finds it that way.

      I found that it is a great way to teach my girlfriends kids action terms – like ‘shake’ or ‘flip’ etc. We used a story book app that showed Humpty Dumpty and you had to shake him off the wall – very fun but becomes overkill very quickly when you have to do it numerous times in a row.

      I think the ipad is good as a ‘tool’ – just like anything else – and not to be the object of learning.

    • Tamara Wong 1:21 pm on November 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I see your point about Second Life – sometimes it just takes too long to learn the tool. When I tried out Second Life I got frustrated because I couldn’t figure out how to use it and decided that it might not be appropriate for my students who struggle with the most basic things on the computer when it’s in English (or sometimes even in their language).
      Deb, I love how intuitive tablet can be – and it seems especially for children, and Mac’s in particular are great at making things easy to use. Older people seem to get them much easier than PCs at least my mom’s questions about her computer now that she has a Mac has decreased significantly. She seems to understand it way better. However, I feel for my some of my students (others are way ahead of me in the technology department) learning a computer and learning a language at the same time is too difficult and the learning time is too long. I find that other tools might be better suited for this situation and I’d only be using an iPad as a ‘cool’ factor (I think if I were teaching younger students I’d have asked my boss for iPads a long time ago!)

  • Doug Smith 4:18 pm on November 5, 2011
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    Tags: , capitalists, iPad,   

    In regards to creation vs consumption with the iPad… If I am about to create media for tomorrow’s lessons, what tool am I going to use? My tablet, laptop or desktop? While the former two may be more comfortable in the sense that I can stretch out on the couch with them, by far and […]

    Continue reading Discussion #3 – a couple of more thoughts Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • David William Price 8:50 am on November 6, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      “Why haven’t EV capitalists taken advantage of the iPad? How come one year ago a bunch of EVC didn’t develop a bunch of amazing support tools and media for the iPad in education”

      I suspect the reason is that most software used for education is not designed for education.

      MS Word, PowerPoint, Google, reference apps, note-taking apps, etc.

      A major trend is users demanding to use their own technology within companies and educational institutions. People already have the hardware and software tools they’re comfortable with. Does it make sense to get into a “get rich slow” educational niche when you can build a tool that everyone wants to use?

      I think the prevalence of behaviourist apps in the education market simply highlights how poorly we integrate authentic learning into formal education. When people want to solve a real-world problem, they follow heuristics to find, evaluate, and implement information. I think it was Papert who said a child may not be able to add 3 + 3, but he certainly knows if someone else has more cookies than he does.

  • Deb Kim 11:23 pm on November 4, 2011
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    Tags: Docs To Go, Fast Notes, , iPad, MS Word, PC,   

    Do you think that the iPad lacks ‘information production’ – the word processing capability that we are used to on PCs? Before discussing whether the iPad lacks ‘information production’ or not, we need to consider the differences in the use of the iPad and the netbooks/laptops/PCs. Although I spend a lot of time with my […]

    Continue reading Discussion #3: Understanding the Difference Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • khenry 5:36 am on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Deb,
      Good points. Functionality and purpose do indeed distinguish the ipad from the pc and the information production capabilities. I do agree that the ideal would be to somehow fuse PC and ipad capabilities. However, as you pointed out, the different technologies serve different purposes and like you, I and many others I know, look to technologies during the day to support responding to, editing and viewing of information rather than actual production, which we do at sit down times. However, I wouldn’t mind doing some content creation as well as the demands for time increase. I also believe that creation/production apps are the way to go.


      • Deb Kim 12:23 pm on November 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thank you, Kerry-Ann.
        You are absolutely right that “creation/production apps are the way to go”.

    • verenanz 6:33 am on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Deb – The fact that we are considering buying some kind of keyboard support for the IPad for my daughter…proves your point. all users need to be able to have ease of use in creation and production. Excellent points. It’s true, I too use my Dell LapTop and my IPad for “different” things. There is room for growth!


    • hall 6:34 am on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Deb,
      I absolutely like the comparisons of the PC/laptops/notebooks and IPads. I think the list of differences you mentioned were factual and gave readers a platform to make a valid choice of the electronic device they should purchase. In regard to word processing software for IPad, there are some Apps available which allow you to perform tasks similar to MS. You could visit this site http://www.iPadWordProcessor.com, it currently hosts a resource center for Apple’s iWork Pages, Office² HD, Quick Officeand iA Writer. These software are useful word processors for Ipads.


      • Deb Kim 12:18 pm on November 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply


        Thank you for the website address. I’ve never used any of the Apple products other than my iPhone, so that’s always been one of my concerns for purchasing an iPad. I use MS Office a lot (for my teaching practices as well as for my assignments), but it has occurred to me that Apple doesn’t provide such a good program that’s compatible to MS. I was looking for apps for the iPad that you mentioned (e.g. iWork Pages, Office² HD, and Quick Officeand iA Writer) because I’m planning to purchase an iPad in the near future.
        Thank you for the tips.


    • Jim 10:18 am on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I enjoyed reading your post as I posted a discussion around the same answer. You also pointed out that PCs and iPads are different devices with different intentions behind their designs. I mentioned at the end of my post that PCs are going to become the workhorses of digital content whereas mobile devices will be used day-to-day. True, you can take notes on your laptop with MS-Word, but you will never us 98% of it’s capabilities in doing so.

      You also talk a little bit about some of the difference between PCs and iPads, such as the portability. One could argue back, what about Netbooks? Just as portable and they can run MS-Word. But why haven’t Netbooks caught on with the vigor that iPads have? The answer is, I think, because the iPad was designed specifically as a easy to use, fun, mobile device from the start. The Netbook is just a continuation of the miniaturization of the desktop PC. The iPad breaks free of that desktop paradigm like no other device, I think.

      • Deb Kim 12:14 pm on November 7, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        I agree with you that the iPad is easier and more fun to use than the netbook as the netbook is “a continuation of the miniaturization of the desktop PC”. I mentioned “portability” because the iPad is lighter in its weight than the netbook. Also, it doesn’t take as much time to turn on as the netbook. You press the button and it turns on right away.


  • Alice 3:19 pm on November 4, 2011
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    Tags: iPad, photographs   

    In a previous post, I was reflecting on what constitutes information production – noting that the author we were asked to read (Abel) seemed to really equate it to textual production. However, something struck me when I was commenting on an earlier post by Kristopher, in which he was discussing the potential use of iPads […]

    Continue reading More on information production (D3): pictures telling 1000s of words Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • David William Price 4:53 pm on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I agree that doing text on the iPad is a little weird and that its affordances more readily support visual communication. The camera on the iPad is pretty bad, but I think there’s a lot of value in using the touch interface to create diagrams, concept maps, etc. and share them with people and have them work on them as well.

  • Deb Kim 3:27 pm on November 3, 2011
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    Tags: adaptor, classroom, , iPad, , netbook,   

    Is there a market for this technology within education?  iPad has been targeted for people who use eBook readers such as Kindle. However, it is offering them more than just an eBook reader. These days, I can see that iPad is prevalently used for educational purposes, especially in elementary. Schools receive grants to implement the […]

    Continue reading Discussion # 2: Why iPad? Why Not Netbook? Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Deb Giesbrecht 5:56 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thank-you Kim for your comprehensive list of benefits and ways to use the iPad. You have summed up our week’s presentation very nicely. I have a friend who uses a netbook and loves it. He did not buy a ipad on purpose for the reasons that you listed. You have illustrated well the contrast between the ipad and netbook and I would also add that some people just prefer not to buy Apple products. As each of these products evolve, and the price becomes cheaper, I would venture that you will see more competition in this market.I do not think we have seen the last version of the ipad (can’t wait for ipad 50!) so the capability and functionality and uses in the classroom will just grow, adding more to the list you have provided us. The challenges come with different devices and software, how does the education manage the personal preferences that the students bring to class.

      • Deb Kim 11:36 am on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thank you, Deb.
        I agree with you that the use of iPad in the classroom will grow.
        I heard that there were over 3 million iPad units sold in just 80 days after launch last year. So far this year, there are more than 25 million units sold. The number keeps increasing.
        What features of the iPad attract people so much that almost everyone around me is eager to have one? It could be the style, design, functionality, free useful apps, and portability. If someone asks me what I would prefer to purchase between the iPad and the netbook, I’d say the former. It’s worth having one.


    • Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 3:49 am on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Very comprehensive analysis of the iPad. This information is very useful tome since I do not own an iPad. I learnt a lot from your post. My point of contention though is that a netbook or a laptop is much cheaper and can do the same functions as an iPad, so why invest in a iPad? In my country Jamaica, due to the economic situation, my students would mostly opt to purchase the netbook over the iPad mainly because of the cost and since it can do the same things as the iPad.


      • Deb Kim 11:57 am on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thank you, Keisha.
        You are right that both the netbook and the iPad have similar functions. If it was solely for educational purposes, and a school district or a school couldn’t afford to purchase iPads, I’d recommend them to purchase netbooks.

        However, if it was for my own use, then I’d purchase an iPad. On a daily basis, I use my iPhone more than my netbook or computer. The only thing that I find difficult when using the iPhone is that the size of the screen is too small. Also, there are many cool iPad apps such as WordPress, Facebook, Docs To Go, etc. that you can use without going on the Internet. You can’t use these apps on the netbook. Apple also offers a 10% discount if their product is used for educational purposes.


  • Kristopher 12:01 pm on November 3, 2011
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    Tags: , iPad   

    Hello, I currently work for a company that (among other things) trains high numbers of the public and workplaces in standard skills.  The courses run from one to eight days.  The delivery model is basically a third-party delivery model where the participants are taught by training partners.  It would be challenging in this environment to […]

    Continue reading Discussion 2: iPads Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Deb Giesbrecht 7:10 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Wow! Sounds like you have lots of educational challenges in front of you.

      The mobility of the ipad is certainly one of its main pluses. This enables connection to others in all sorts of circumstances, providing support and the necessary flexibility and facilitation that you describe.

      Certainly the challenges are when third party partners are delivering the content to the end user – making control of the material and presentation difficult. The constant change of students combined with changing locations also factor in – but are surmountable if mobility devices are used. A great advantage of not only the ipad but others like the netbook as well.

      Thanks for your comments.

    • Allie 3:07 pm on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      That sounds *So Interesting*, Kristopher!! As I was imagining the conflict situations through which your (previous) learners are traveling and working, I couldn’t help but think that one really key part of the iPad is that it takes photographs… learners can share photographs which each other, but also that can be an important part of realtime feedback that they can provide to the instruction and facilitation teams.

  • ashleyross 10:21 am on November 3, 2011
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    Tags: , iPad,   

    Currently I do not have an iPad and personally, as of right now, anything that I would want to use the iPad for I can do on my android phone.  It’s not that I don’t see the benefits to an iPad, I know there is a lot, it’s just that as of right now in […]

    Continue reading Discussion #2: iPad Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Angela Novoa 11:40 am on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Ashley,

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yo have provided a different perspective in which iPad can be useful. I have not think that iPad could be useful for children with disabilities, so I find very interesting the information you have provided. You are right about its disadvantage: the cost of this device is an issue because it is not available to everyone.


    • Kristopher 12:40 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Have you seen the app where three year olds can trace letters and learn to write? I am baffled.

      For me, in my life right now the iPad wouldn’t meet my needs. I need to be able to sit and be prepared to work the long haul on assignments and that requires a different, more economic setup. When I graduate (hopefully shortly!!), I would be much more prepared to go to an iPad. Something makes me think I should send the link of this page to my partner as a subtle hint. 🙂



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