Learning A-Z
Learning A-Z
Several teachers at our school have been using Learning A-Z products for reading recovery purposes. I’ve known about it for some time but this year, I’ve decided to take the program on and give it to the majority of my primary students. As a result, I couldn’t think of a better product/service to review the founder of.
Learning A-Z markets itself as a single resource site that allows teachers, parents and tutors to access the site for ready to use reading and writing material inside the classroom. Over the past 10 years, Learning A-Z has branched out from providing levelled books with lesson plans and activities to a science site and a reading tutor site. All of these were built with allowing classroom teachers to easily access the information and use it in the classroom the next day.
Bob Holl is the co-founder of Learning A-Z. In addition to running the venture he also acts as the VP and head publisher of Learning A-Z. Bob has more than 40+ years in the education field that range from classroom teacher in elementary, middle school and high school. In addition he also acted as an executive in many publishing firms including: Wright Group, Scott Foresman and Addison Wesley. Bob also has authored over 200 fiction and non-fiction children books along with many educational resources. With his natural background in education, Learning A-Z is a culmination of his work in all of his fields.
From the co-founder down, the leadership group appears to be solid. Aside from the engineers and editorial directors who all have a vast amount of experience in the educational technology field, the marketing and sales team brings in a great amount of knowledge from their departments. The site is extremely transparent about their leadership team and proudly displays their mission statement:
“Working with teachers to give them the resources they needs to reach every child, on every learning level.”
Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
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