Home » 2. Preparation » 2C: Founder Parade

2C: Founder Parade


Do you have what it takes to be a learning technologies entrepreneur?  The purpose of this activity is to get beyond speculation by walking in the shoes of a real entrepreneur.

You will select a learning technologies venture and find out who its leader is, making sure they are also a founder of the company.  For-profit, non-profit, social enterprise and intrapreneurial ventures are all fine subjects.   You might start your search with a product, service, company or emerging technology area that interests you, or browse through a list of learning technologies ventures such as those exhibiting at a major convention:

2012 ISTE Exhibitors (peruse the alphabetical list of exhibitors)


  1. Select a learning technologies venture of interest to you and find out who its leader is.  If the current leader is not a founder (usually this is apparent in their online bio), select a different venture.
  2. Introduce us to the founder-leader by posting a brief entrepreneurial biography on our course blog.  The biography should include most of the following information:
    • founder-leader name, title & photograph
    • venture name
    • a single paragraph description of the venture, its primary products or services, and its original value proposition.
    • a short bio of the founder-leader focusing on a critical analysis of their background, skills and motivation relative to the prospective and prescribed attributes of successful entrepreneurs.  Comment also on the apparent quality of their team, and their board and advisors. Remember that these are real people and your analysis will be visible online, so be professional.
    • any personal reflections this analysis has inspired regarding your own entrepreneurial potential.
  3. Beyond this posting, please review and provide constructive response where appropriate to the biographies posted by your classmates.


All founder postings and responses should be posted by the end of week 4.  In order for your posting to be responded to, it would be best to post it a few days ahead of the deadline if possible.

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