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2B: Pitch Critique


Practice with EVA role-playing in the ETEC522 Pitch Pool.


  1. Go to the ETEC522 Pitch Pool (click the “Pitch Pool” category on the right).  I’ve posted 18 elevator pitches there, most of which are real, recent ventures, but some are fictitious ventures from past ETEC522 students!
  2. Based on whatever sounds interesting to you, select at least two (2) of these pitches for a detailed EVA review.  You’re also encouraged to go online and find/post other elevator pitches into our Pitch Pool (post using the “Pitch Pool” category), and review these instead.  Anything you post should have some connection to learning and technologies.
  3. We recommend that you watch each selected pitch at least twice.  One time, take notes as needed to help you remember what the person said. Another time, just listen and try to judge the enthusiasm, passion, sincerity and completeness of the message.
  4. Use the pitch criteria discussed in section 2.7 to compose a professional analysis that aims to be decisive about whether further consideration of the venture is merited.  Use the polling tool provided on each post to rate the quality of what you heard relative to each of our primary EVA criteria, then submit your ratings.
  5. Post your decision on your selected pitches as a reply to the appropriate post.  Begin your decision statement with, “YES, I would invest in this venture” or “NO, I would not invest in this venture”, and then back up your decision with your analysis.
  6. As part of this activity, you may view and analyse as many of these pitches as you wish, and also comment constructively on the analyses posted by your classmates.


All critiques and responses should be posted by the end of week 3.  In order for your own critique to be responded to, it would be best to post it a few days ahead of the deadline if possible.

P.S. –

If you don’t wish to have future ETEC522 students reviewing the pitch you’ll be submitting to our Venture Forum in a few weeks, please remember to ask me not to put it in the Pitch Pool and/or take it down from YouTube once the course is over (!).

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