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  • David Vogt 1:33 pm on December 1, 2012
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    Nice action on the Venture Forum! Just to let you know, I’ve done my second review of your A2 assignments and you should expect your grades on these later today. I’ve also done a first review of your A3 assignments, so you should expect these back to you, along with your A4 work, by the […]

    Continue reading Completion Schedule Posted in: Announcements
    • joeltremblay 12:32 pm on December 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi there David,
      I haven’t received anything via email? Is that where you’re sending the feedback/marks to or?

  • visramn 10:03 pm on November 25, 2012
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    Tags: A3,   

    My fictitious venture is for a specially designed educational tablet that is customized for use in schools. This tablet will be geared towards pre-school and elementary school students, as well as for students with special needs. This tablet will have all the capabilities needed to ensure students have access to multiple educational tools that are […]

    Continue reading My fictitious venture is for a specially… Posted in: General, Venture Forum
    • Paula Poodwan 8:32 am on November 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen, your elevator pitch is private so I can’t watch it. I also tried to click the link above the video, still no luck 🙁

    • visramn 11:39 am on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Sorry about that. . I am surprised the download didn’t work. That is odd. I have changed the settings. I think it should be ok now.


    • Paula Poodwan 3:03 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen,

      You did such a wonderful job for both of your pitches. You managed to get a lot of info into the 1 minute pitch, good job! Your voice is enthusiastic and very professional too. The graphic and music are also perfect.

      Your venture pitch is thorough. Even though you didn’t give much detail about the CEO and the team, somehow I still feel your venture is credible; it could be because you provided a lot of backup research and statistics. I think you covered many important points investors want to know like marketing, future growth plan, and competitors. Especially the detail in how Nabi 2 differs from other tablets which is one of my biggest concern whether to invest or not. You did answered that question. “Nabi 2 tablet school edition is better than the rest because it has the same capabilities as other and also has the best processing speed”

      It is a good venture concept and I am very interested in it but because there are so many tablets out there already so I wouldn’t feel confident to invest at this point, sorry. Otherwise a very well presented pitches and I really enjoy watching and reading it.

    • visramn 3:41 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks Paula. I appreciate the feedback. You are right there are a lot of tablets on the market. That is why I wanted to gear this to the educational market and make this product specifically for educational institutions by equipping it with a build in LMS system and master and slave capabilities.
      I was actually drawn to this idea because I see my nephews and other kids around me wanting to play with digital devices and I can’t help but think these kids are going to grow up surrounded by these devices so why not make these devices conducive to their learning. It will be interesting to see what the future has in store for these kids.
      Thank you so much for reviewing my work and for your helpful feedback.

    • lullings 6:07 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hey Nureen, after the elevator pitch I was feeling many things. Due to its speed I was a little bamboozled and panicked, but not really in a bad way, more in a way that I wanted to look for you and just find out more and I felt I needed to do it immediately!!! I think your passion came through on the delivery very much.

      With the venture pitch I found it difficult as there was so much information. For me I would not invest in your venture as the market is over saturated already with device offerings but also because it represents a massive investment into one device for school districts. So I don’t think the device route is the way to go.

      Saying that I think that your concept is excellent and that there is a gap in the market for a classroom based facility such as the one you describe. I would be more inclined to invest if this was the main focus and you concentrated on the delivery of that by providing the software apps for all the other devices. This means that students could bring their own if the app was on them but also the school board could get a cheaper version of the physical device and purchase your software to fill the gap the market. If it was possible to have different brands of devices talking to each other and the teacher through the one app it would, for me, be a winner.

      Just my two cents –

    • visramn 6:16 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Stuart,

      Thanks for the feedback. I too think there is a gap in the market for devices/software such as these that can be used in the classroom.
      Your idea would be ideal. It would be very beneficial for BYOD supporting school districts.


    • Lisa Nevoral 8:41 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen,

      Good job on your elevator and venture pitch. You are obviously passionate about your idea. During your elevator pitch, I found the speed of your delivery too fast. When I was just grasping one idea, you had already moved three points ahead. I liked the idea that you wanted to make a product that would be interactive and provide individualized instruction for pre-school and elementary school students, as well as for students with cognitive and developmental disabilities. Differentiation is a very important aspect in teaching so you had a good idea and solution for that pain point.

      In saying that, I have to agree with Stuart. For schools or school districts to buy these devices would be very costly, but if you could produce the software that could be used on many different types of devices, your product could potentially be a marketable item.

      Good job!


    • visramn 9:26 am on November 29, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your feedback Lisa.


    • manny 6:28 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen,

      Your venture proposal for a personalized tablet specific for children has good intentions but may be too little too late. Your elevator pitch was very fast and it was difficult to discern what the product you are proposing is. The one-minute time limit was definitely the hardest part of this assignment. It seemed as though you attempted to fit everything in within this time frame but you may have been better off just sticking to a few key points and slowing down your narration. For the elevator pitch, we need to remember that less is more. Although I think your product is something moms would buy for their children, I do not see school districts adopting it and would not invest for the following reasons.

      1) Production costs – To produce a whole new tablet specific for child use would require an astronomical amount of money.

      2) Competitors – The tablet market is highly competitive and there really isn’t much room for newcomers. If this device offered something different than other products it could have a chance. However, it does not offer anything specific that other tablets can’t do already and also restricts other features that mom or dad may want to use.

      3) Users – I understand that this product attempts to fill a specific niche within the tablet market. I feel that this niche is very specific and way too small to justify the huge startup costs it would take to get it to market. I do not see high school or post secondary students using this device so it becomes restricted to early childhood years.

      On a positive note, it is durable and half the cost of the competitors ($250 price range). I would purchase it for my 3 year old to play with but can’t see it as an investment that would yield substantial returns.

    • jhodi 6:38 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen,

      I found your elevator pitch to be packed full of information! I did however have a hard time collecting all of the information the first time through. Perhaps limiting the amount of information and focusing on the key points in your elevator pitch would have allowed me to retain more information as I was a little bit overwhelmed. That said, this is a good learning experience for me as I have had similar issues in the past as well and sometimes have a hard time with the less is more approach. Overall, this seems like a very good idea and something that I would want to use in my own classroom. I was just having a discussion with my students today about the tablet that I use to teach with and how I would like to be able to have a tablet for each one of them to use that is linked to mine. WIth that said, the tablet market is saturated with devices. I would not invest in you venture because there are too many large company competitors that could easily (and I think probably will shortly) create education-specific tablets. Additionally, although $250 is mid-range, this is a device that I think a lot of schools would hesitate purchasing due to the high quantity that they would need, which would be very expensive.

      Overall, I thought that you did a great job of your pitches and that they were both very informative and hit the major points.


    • Patrick Pichette 6:40 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen,

      Although I can tell you are very enthusiastic about your pitch, I found it impossible to understand what you were saying as it is just too fast for my mind to process. I would need to download your pitch, put it in VLC and then slow down the playback speed to a more human speed. 🙂 I understand that you were trying to maximize your elevator pitch but sometimes less is more and that would be my only real recommendation at this point. I have faith in you but I’m just not sure what you’re pitching.

    • Suhayl Patel 6:49 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen,

      I thought you did a really good job on your pitches. Especially your elevator pitch. There was a lot of information packed into that minute and although some may find that it is too much to take in a such a great in such in a short time, I thought it was a great idea to make it a fast pitch. People are busy and can’t afford to spend extra time in listening to a pitch that they might not be intersted in, thus wasting a couple of minutes. I think the way you did your quick elevator pitch, really got the information across without wasting time. It was straight business!

      Good work

    • C. Ranson 7:25 am on December 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Nureen,

      You have a good idea but I too think a little late given the market is saturated with tablets and the implementation of BYOD might also impact the success of this venture. I do appreciate how your tablet with be tailored better to the educational environment but I wonder with all the software programs and learning management platforms can this be addressed. Your elevator pitch address all the components of a pitch but was difficult to follow because you spoke so fast, I am confident a slower version would be exceptional. The prezi presentation was also well done but I believe you could have made your pitch with less information.


  • David Vogt 2:10 pm on November 20, 2012
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    Hi everyone – from Jamaica! (No, not a holiday, unfortunately.  I’m here to help a group of MET graduates launch a new venture – a non-profit enterprise called EdTech Jamaica that intends to provide national leadership in every aspect of learning technologies implementation here.  A grand and worthwhile vision – hopefully it is an inspiration […]

    Continue reading Posting Your A3 Posted in: Announcements
    • teacherben 6:07 am on November 24, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Should we include a personal reflection in the ventures forum or should be email that to you?

  • David Vogt 9:34 am on November 6, 2012
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    Pursuant to Peggy’s recent A3 post, and some other queries via email, I’m posting this general announcement to welcome any questions about Assignment 3 that might not be answered or sufficiently clear in the instructions and rubric in the course requirements. As per the course schedule, your A3 is due at the end of Week […]

    Continue reading A3 Advice Posted in: Announcements, General
    • joeltremblay 10:33 am on November 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you David,
      This explanation is MUCH appreciated.

    • Doug Connery 9:04 pm on November 19, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi David, thanks for the info.

      As the November 25 due date draws near, I have some questions.

      Will you create a Venture Forum Category for us to link our submissions to?

      Just to be clear, we create a new post here and upload our elevator pitch (video) and venture pitch (video or written) and embed them in the post. This is where Kaltura comes in, automatically I assume.

      Then we wait for you to assign each of us 10 ventures to review. We comment briefly on 7 and in more detail on our top 3 and then choose and justify one or more of the top three to fund. This needs to be done by the last day of classes on Friday November 30.

      Thanks David.

  • David Vogt 10:24 pm on October 6, 2012
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    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I’ve had a couple of recurring questions about A1, so I’ll share answers more generally: – when your A1 is complete (it is due on the 14th) please email it directly to me, as a link, document, or whatever. I will acknowledge receipt. – it is possible to create a direct link […]

    Continue reading A1-A3 Questions Posted in: Announcements
    • joeltremblay 11:19 am on October 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      In your rubric for A1 you talk about the EVA process. I’m correct in assuming you’re talking about the Economic Value Added process correct? I want to clarify before I continue.

  • David Vogt 7:22 am on September 10, 2012
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    Hi everyone – hope you had a fine weekend. Thanks for diving in to the course and introducing yourselves.  We’ve clearly gathered an exceptional group of learning adventurers for this journey together – I’m looking forward to our shared experience. Our second week is about getting primed for working in the world of global education […]

    Continue reading Welcome to Week #2! Posted in: Announcements, Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
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