My fictitious venture is for a specially…

My fictitious venture is for a specially designed educational tablet that is customized for use in schools. This tablet will be geared towards pre-school and elementary school students, as well as for students with special needs. This tablet will have all the capabilities needed to ensure students have access to multiple educational tools that are based on curriculum. It will also have a built in Learning Management system that can be customized by teachers and can be used for discussions, directions, feedback, etc. Another capability it will have is a master and slave set up. Teachers will have the master device and students will have the slave device. Teachers will be able to curtail the content presented on each students’ device in order to accommodate their specific learning needs and will be able to track and monitor students’ progress.

Elevator Pitch :

Elevator Pitch Nureen Visram ETEC 522 -Download
 YouTube Preview Image
– View on youtube

Venture Analysis:

Venture Analysis– Link– URL


Reflection on my venture

Thank you for viewing my pitch and analysis. I look forward to hearing your feedback.



Posted in: General, Venture Forum