Introducing William Hamilton……..
William (Bill) Hamilton is the president and CEO of TechSmith ventures. Upon first glance, this name probably does not ring a bell but his staff is responsible for producing video capturing software apps such as Screenchomp for the iPad. This App has received rave reviews amongst the learning technologies community and allows students to demonstrate their knowledge on a topic using mobile devices that records their narrative explanation of the subject at hand.
Bill Hamilton is a Michigan State university graduate in computer programming. He spent a majority of his post-graduate time working in his home state of Michigan managing the development of medical information systems. In 1987, he co-founded TechSmith that provided a broad range of consulting and software solutions to a myriad of clients. In the early 90’s, Bill Hamilton was fascinated with the Internet and was seeking new innovative ideas through which he could harness its potential for communication. Throughout the 90’s, software development became the priority and the company transitioned from providing consulting services to software development.
Driven by an interest in screen capturing software, Hamilton and his colleagues are responsible for designing products such as Snagit, Jing, Camtasia Studio, Camtasia Relay, Morae, and He has surrounded himself with a knowledgeable team that currently employs approximately 200 people. His latest venture into app development has paid off as Screenchomp has become one of the most downloaded apps in education and is currently being utilized in classrooms around the world. This video capturing app has engaged students in their work and allowed them to produce a final product which embraces the constructivist view of “students as producers.”
Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
jhodi 9:40 pm on September 26, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You were right! I did not recognize the name at first, but I have used some of the products that he has helped develop! This was particularly interesting for me to read because I find it very interesting the long path that he has taken since 1987. In my lifetime, I look back and think about all of the advances in technology and can only imagine what he has seen, experienced, and learned from.
kstackhouse 8:48 am on September 27, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
What an interesting app. I agree that this will be a great tool for education. I am sure that this will help students and teachers create some great learning materials.