Photo App Elevator and Venture Pitch
I have an assignment three venture pitch for a new photo app that I’m rather excited about, but I’m not quite interested in sharing a public link to my pitch at the moment!
If you are seriously interested in hearing about my idea, please send an email message to scott underscore tammik at mac dot com, and I’ll send you the link to my pitch privately.
Posted in: Venture Forum
Lisa Nevoral 9:32 pm on November 28, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Scott,
Your elevator and venture pitch and product were awesome!!! You looked very comfortable in front of a camera and you did a good job with the background setting (including pictures as your backdrop – very strategic). Your presentation was very polished and I think you hit most or all the criteria for a venture pitch. You included a pain point and solution, you did a great job differentiating between your product and the others you compared it to, and you included the challenges for your product. You even stated how your app was going to make money. It was a nice touch to add quotes to the presentation.
One area that you could have touched upon a little more was what you wanted from the investors. I know in your elevator pitch you stated that you were looking for investors to fund your initial development of your photo app and to market it worldwide, but then never mentioned it again. As well, what was the return the investors would receive? You did a good job stating how much you could sell this product as an app or per/month, but what would the investors get out of this?
All in all, great job! I would invest in the venture.
Scott 1:13 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for your positive feedback Lisa.
Indeed, beyond speculating on the cost of the app and service, I don’t have much expertise on the finance side of app development, so I steered clear of the numbers aspect to my pitch and just concentrated on the concept – which I’m glad you enjoyed!
lullings 5:05 am on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Scott,
Loved the comprehensive delivery method of your venture. I definitely enjoy your passion and enthusiasm for the idea.
As an idea itself I think you are onto something that is great and would be loved by the niche market that you are going after.
Would I invest – unfortunately not.
But this is not because of the concept but I see the biggest flaw is that it is only using the phones camera and the screen. I dont think this will satisfy the market that you are going after. I think that for them having increased on screen functionality is not enough, they want to go back to the tradition of having something physical to adjust to have some control and to give them options.
If you were to include something like or in the offering I would have no problem investing in you and your venture as I feel this would satisfy your potential clients rather than just the app itself.
But nicely put together and extremely well delivered – very impressed overall.
Scott 8:15 am on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Stuart,
Thank you for all your well informed comments.
I quite agree with you, that what I and many others are really after, is really something like the new Fuji X-E1 or as you suggest, physical manual controls including those iPhone extensions you noted.
However, these cost more money and in some ways take away from the pocket-ability of smartphone cameras. In my school for example, we never seem to have enough money for more cameras, or darkroom supplies, but I think we could scrap together $100 per class each semester, to provide an app for the smartphones the kids already have. Phone accessories also need to be designed to fit to each phone design, which could be an issue.
In any event, thanks again for making me stop to reconsider a very important aspect of my pitch.
manny 5:46 pm on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Scott,
Your Slowography venture proposal is very well done and sounds like something that is ready for design. Your elevator pitch was excellent in communicating the void in the market place when comparing point and shoot digital photography to traditional manual methods. You have clearly conducted a lot of research in this area and presented statistics on app purchases relevant to your pitch. The website is very nicely laid out and you come through as an honest, reputable, entrepreneur who knows what he’s talking about. I would give you an A+ on your presentation and my concerns as an investor are listed below.
1) Name – Slowography comes off as something that consumers may not want to look into in further detail.
2) Competitors – There are a lot of them! You have done a good job of dissecting the differences between them and the features that your app will integrate. However, this is a market that is saturated with photography apps and a simple update to one of the more popular apps could easily put you out of business.
3) Users – This app is great for the typical point and shoot users who have limited experience with photography. The true enthusiasts will probably still be skeptical and stick to traditional methods of photography.
These reservations are very minor and do not take away from what a great idea this is. I am currently teaching a visual and media arts class and try to teach students the practical skills that they can do on their own after graduation. Not all of them can afford an SLR camera and this app is definitely something I would not invest in, but also use in my classroom. Great work Scott!
Scott 1:27 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Manny,
I’ve always respected and appreciated your thoughts in our discussions.
The name is not something I’m 100% on either, it just seemed like a novel take on ‘photography’ and the .com domain was available, so I took it. You are quite right, that an update could threaten the apps relevance, which is why I thought about creating a whole ‘ecosystem’ and community around the idea, to give it value beyond the app – especially for classroom teachers and students. As I mentioned to Stuart, true enthusiasts will likely still opt for expensive cameras from Leica or a Fuji, but what about those times when all you have is your camera or you can’t afford a Leica. I think the old saying goes something like, “the best camera to have, is the one you’ve got”!
Thanks for your comments and nod of support.
manny 8:21 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I made a typo in my last line, I meant to say this app is something I would not only invest in, but also use in my classroom.
Patrick Pichette 5:56 pm on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Scott,
I found your elevator pitch and venture pitch to be very informative and professionally driven. In terms of the team’s qualifications, there is no doubt in my mind that you demonstrate passion and commitment to drive this venture forward. It is unclear in your pitch whether there are other members to your team so I’ll assume it is just you. As for the venture concept, I consider it quite original and you do appear to have done a fair bit of research in the area to demonstrate some feasibility. I’m unclear as to what portion of the market would be looking for apps that slow them down when tackling photography but there does appear to be growth in the market segment. My only real qualm with the proposal is with regards to the investment dollars. There isn’t really any indication as to what you’ll do with the investment nor is there any indication on how I could make money or get my money back. All in all, I would like some of these questions answered before I chose to invest but your credibility and professionalism does lend itself to a positive experience and hope for a successful venture. I wish you best of luck in launching this venture if you do go forward with it!
Scott 1:31 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I’m pleased to know my enthusiasm for the idea came through clearly – thanks for that positive feedback Patrick.
Indeed as I mentioned to Lisa as well, beyond speculating on the cost of the app and service, I don’t have much expertise on the finance side of app development, so I steered clear of the numbers aspect to my pitch and just concentrated on the concept.
Peggy Lawson 8:48 am on December 1, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Scott –
Great work! As soon as I started watching the elevator pitch I was hooked. You exuded credibility by your passion and quality of work and that drew me in, despite my initial reluctance as to why anyone would want to go back to the pre-instant-results days of photography. So the venture concept was foreign to me, but was further addressed in your venture concept. For me there is also a disconnect between what I think of as a traditional SLR camera – simply the heft & feel & shape of the camera vs a slim smartphone. But that’s maybe just me.
The opportunity space – competition – may be a problem in this market. You’ve given some good though to your marketing plan as well as to additional revenue sources.If you can assemble the team you’re looking for – I think you’ve got a shot.
Scott 1:37 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
All great points for me to consider Peggy, thank you.
I am realizing now, from your feedback and from others, that I need to make clearer the idea that I don’t intend for the app to replace traditional cameras, but rather to provide an alternative to the way we use camera phones, for both photographers and students/educators alike.
The entire experience of this assignment and the feedback its generated, have been very helpful to me 🙂