Something ventured…
Welcome to December everyone, and the conclusion of our learning adventure.
As per my earlier message, you have your A1 & A2 grades now, and should have the balance of your grades by the end of the week. I’m thoroughly enjoying the grading process, as I do ETEC522 and MET overall, because all of you bring such great experience and energy to the table. Your work is of an exceptional calibre, and is inspirational for me.
I appreciate all of the suggestions coming in for improving the course. I recognize the limitations of the weblog environment but still believe it is the most germane available overall to the learning context of the course. It is interesting that a few years ago we used to operate 522 like a ‘movable feast’, migrating between several different open platforms during each session, largely because the collaborative experiences they offered were so distinct. Yet they’ve all co-evolved significantly such that there isn’t a huge difference now between WordPress, Google Sites, Weebly, etc. If anyone has a strong suggestion of a platform we should migrate 522 into, I’d be delighted to hear your thoughts. Platforms like Second Life are still *different* and intriguing (well done, W12 EMT!) but aren’t sufficiently well networked IMHO to support the exploration we’re aiming to foster in 522. All ideas welcome.
Finally, the purpose of this course was to provide all of you with the tools and confidence to be more entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial in your careers, so I’m looking forward to hearing of your innovations. Please consider me very interested to help in your ongoing venture success, so keep in touch!
As an astronomer by original training, I’ll end by wishing you all a warm and happy winter solstice (and survival of the Mayan long count!) and rejuvenating holiday season.
My best wishes for all of your ventures,
Posted in: Announcements
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