Happy Sunday All,
Thanks for all of your introductions – what an amazing group we’ve got assembled here!
There are 42 of us (including your instructors) on this journey. A few thoughts on our first steps together, and the road ahead:
Conversations: I’m pleased with how everyone is being convivial & concise in their postings and responses. We also encourage everyone to experiment with images, video, infographics, etc, as a means to leap beyond text in our media environment. Always aim for whatever is most appropriate to the message and to our learning together.
Week-to-Week Transitions: Each week of the course ends Sunday at midnight (Pacific), so that’s when you should be finished any contributions relating to the previous week, and can begin posting in relation to the next week. Posting early or late will be considered asocial & could impact your participation grade. The only exception to this is when materials specific to the next week’s activity are being posted by your instructors or any of the A2 teams: Sundays from noon to midnight is an appropriate ‘move-in’ period to set up for the next week.
Assignments: I (DavidV) will be marking A1 & A3 for everyone, meaning that David P will be marking A2 & A4. Please direct your inquiries about these assignments to the appropriate one of us if you can.
A1: By now you’ve probably begun thinking about your A1 topic. Hopefully the Emerging Markets Poll activity helped you to scope out some ideas. Don’t hesitate ask me if you are unsure.
A2: Later today your instructors will break out the results of the Emerging Markets Poll & use these to determine the topics, teams and weeks for your A2 presentations. If you don’t know your topic, team & week by tomorrow noon, please let DavidP know about it.
In the Flow: Finally, if you have any questions or concerns about the course, how this WordPress platform works, or what is expected of you, don’t hesitate to ask. You can email either of us, reply to these announcements, post in the Question & Answer category, or consult with your peers.
DavidP will be following shortly with an announcement concerning instructions for week 2.
All the best,