Tag Archives: Introduction


When I graduated from UBC in Chemistry, I had the pleasure of teaching in Korea from 2001-2004. There, I taught ESL to Kindergarten and Elementary students. Through this amazing experience, I realized that I do in fact want to go into teaching so I completed the UBC Secondary Education Program in 2005.

I was very fortunate to get a job at SD72 in Southgate Middle School teaching Math and Science grade 9. I have been doing just that for the past four years.

Generally speaking, I do try to incorporate a variety of technologies in my teaching practice. The goal, always being , that I utilize this technology in a manner which is meaningful to students. I recently completed an Online Tutorial Site with a colleague through Mediasite which focuses on Algebra, Polynomials, Geometry, and Exponents (Grade 9 Math). Students can log onto the site to watch a lesson on eighty-five subtopics.

What I discovered through teaching is that there are multitude of learning styles within the classroom and I do find it a challenge to tap into all of them (how many are there?). I am hoping that this course helps organize my thoughts regarding learning styles and the incorporation of technology.