A unique perspective of the EOAS | PME Atrium, as seen from the top. Click on the image twice to zoom-in.
The final kitchen uplift interior design project ended up using the blue colour combination, as a result of a pole (see page 9+). This is the first mock-up. I have designed a word cloud, based on the university-wide Teaching Practices Survey: “write one word that describes your experience in the teaching environment at UBC”. I am proud that my selection of photographs is decorating the walls of the kitchen (which is oftentimes used as a learning space / meeting room). I have personally shopped for a cheap set of frames (to keep the project’s cost down) and framed them by hand. All work was done and measured in Photoshop.
This product photography session was created by painting with light on LED screen layers, dismantled from an old 3D TV.
In my free time I also photograph birds. Birdwatching is truly fascinating. I’d say it’s one of the most rewarding hobbies. Please visit my wildlife photo collection at www.VanGabriel.com
University students walking in opposite direction between classes (shot with 85mm @ f/1.2)
graphic design and illustration, multimedia, corporate photography, infographics, university online course visual content, visual identity, vr, 3d modelling, interior design, design for marketing, 360 vr, augmented reality, logo design, banner design, panoramic photography, and more.