Army of Problem Solvers

Army of Problem Solvers
Shaun Loney, an Ashoka Fellow from Oxford Lake in northern Manitoba leads the dialogue, in Canada, on how social entrepreneurs can address social inequalities in Indigenous communities. The issues he explores, include: high unemployment rates; missing and murdered women in Canada; raising health care costs; the implications of climate change on reserve; resource extraction and access to rights and resources; high incarceration rates, particularly in Manitoba and, low graduation rates. Government is slow to make changes and private corporations often exploit Indigenous land, due to their narrow objectives of profit and lack of social conscious. Loney expands on what social entrepreneurs are:
Social entrepreneurs can range from billionaires with scruples- think
Elon Musk- to small-business owners who install solar panels. While
they vary in what they do, they all have two things in common: They
create markets for solutions to environmental or social problems,
and they make money… the most successful social entrepreneurs
find what is not working and solve problems by changing the system,
spreading the solution, and persuading entire societies to move in
different directions (p.91).