Majoritarian Scripts

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Majoritarian scripts: Are narratives so normalized that they are not question. These are stories that benefit the social location of the middle/upper class, white & hetrosexual. Majoritarian scripts are of interest because people of colour and other disenfranchised groups might also tell them.  For example, when something bad happens in a “good” neighbourhood, we are surprised, if bad things only happen in “bad” neighbourhoods. Bad being a place where poor folks and people of colour occupy.  Scholars Daniel G Solozano & Tara Y. Yosso describe this: “Whether told by people of colour or Whites, majoritarian stories are not often questioned because people do not see them as stories but as “natural” parts of everyday life. Whether we refer to them as monovocals, master narratives, standard stories, or majoritarian stories, it is important to recognize the power of White privilege in constructing stories about race.” Majoritarian scripts rely on stereotypes and stem from eugenics. So how do we untell these scripts? by creating Counter Stories. (see counter scripts for description)