Call for Applications-Sustainability Scholars paid summer internships



2024 SS List of Projects v1 2024Jan08

The UBC Sustainability Hub is pleased to offer UBC graduate students the opportunity to work on funded sustainability internship projects.

We are currently accepting applications for over 60 internships that will commence May 1, 2024. Current UBC graduate students from all academic disciplines are encouraged to confirm the eligibility requirements and apply.

Successful candidates work under the guidance of a mentor at one of our partner organizations, and are immersed in real world learning where they can apply their research skills and contribute to advancing sustainability and climate action across the region. Each Scholar receives $27.50 per hour to complete 250 hours of work.

For more information on the available projects and to apply, visit the Sustainability Scholars Program website.

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 pm Sunday January 28.

We also appreciate your help in circulating this notice to anyone in your grad student network that may be interested!


Want to learn more? If you are you interested in . . .

  • applying your research skills to solving real-world sustainability questions and challenges?
  • getting paid while gaining valuable professional work experience?
  • developing applied sustainability skills and knowledge under the guidance of a mentor?
  • building a professional network of sustainability practitioners?

. . . please attend the online Sustainability Scholars Program information session on January 17 at 12:00 pm or January 18 at 5:00 pm. At the January 18 session representatives from several of our partner organizations will speak about the kinds of opportunities Scholars can have while working in the program. We will also have former scholars there to answer your questions about what you can expect as a Scholar and what kinds of opportunities the program offers in terms of skills and job prospects.

Details and to register:



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Karen Taylor  MA (she, her)
Senior Manager, Sustainability Scholars & Strategic Implementation | Sustainability Hub
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
2343 – 2260 West Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada
Phone 604 822 9362 | |



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