New Grad Course: GEOS 506: Population dynamics in time and space


From: Williams, Jennifer (Geography) <>
Sent: January 8, 2024 11:39 AM

Population dynamics in time and space: models, data and application (Geos 506, 3 credits, 2023 W2) on Thursdays, 9:30-12:30 in Geography Room 223.

Course Description: Underlying much of population ecology are models using different approaches to describe how population dynamics change through time and space. Goals of this course are to 1) assess the role of modeling in answering fundamental questions in population ecology; 2) articulate the strengths and weaknesses of the quantitative approaches presented for modeling population dynamics in time and space; 3) successfully implement mathematical models (in R) to describe population dynamics and spatial spread, and provide a clear interpretation of the results. Course will be a mix of lecture, discussion, hands-on labs in R, and an independent project to analyze your own or someone else’s data.

Happy to answer questions or send the syllabus to interested students in advance (or come on Thursday).




Jennifer Williams
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
University of British Columbia
office phone: +1 604 827-1592

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