Call for Applications – UBC Sustainability Scholars (paid summer internships) Please circulate


The UBC Sustainability Initiative (USI) is again offering UBC graduate students the opportunity to work in funded sustainability internship projects, with new projects beginning in late April and early May. Current UBC graduate students from all academic disciplines are eligible to apply.    

Further information on the available internship projects can be found on our Student Opportunities web page. Applications close at midnight Sunday February 26, 2017. 

I would greatly appreciate if you would please circulate the details provided below to your grad students.

If you have any questions about the program or projects, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Thank you for your help in notifying your graduate students about these opportunities! 

All the best, 

Karen Taylor  


Call for Applications –UBC Sustainability Scholars (paid summer internships) 

The UBC Sustainability Initiative (USI) is pleased to offer UBC graduate students the opportunity to work in funded sustainability internship projects. 

We are currently accepting applications for over 40 UBC Sustainability Scholars (including Greenest City Scholars) internship projects that will commence May 1, 2017. Current UBC graduate students from all academic disciplines are eligible to apply. 

Successful candidates will work under the mentorship of a partner organization, and are immersed in real world learning where they can apply their research skills and contribute to advancing organizational sustainability goals. Each Scholar receives $20 per hour to complete up to 250 hours of work. 

For more information on the available projects and to apply, visit our Student Opportunities page.  

Applications will be accepted until midnight Sunday February 26, 2017. 

We appreciate your help in circulating this notice to anyone in your grad student network who may be interested! 

– – – – – – – – – –

Karen Taylor 

Program Manager | UBC Sustainability Initiative

The University of British Columbia

Room 2346, 2260 West Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4

Phone 604 822-9362 | | 

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