[Correction] UBC Conference Abstract Call


You received an email about our the upcoming 2020 Nexus Interdisciplinary Conference,

Scholarship [in] Action

Lean in. Work Across. Act Out. 

In the email, we accidentally wrote that the date is March 12-13, 2019. This was a typo. The actual date is March 12-13, 2020. All of the information in our attached poster is correct and ready to distribute.

Thank you again for your understanding and cooperation in promoting this exciting event among the students in your department and networks.

Looking forward to seeing you  there,


Maya Lefkowich & Jennica Nichols, Conference Co-Chairs

Scholarship [in] Action | Lean in. Work Across. Act Out.  

Nexus 2020 Interdisciplinary Conference, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program


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