Reminder: Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program


We would greatly appreciate if you could send a reminder to graduate students about the Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program. This is a joint initiative between Student Health Promotion and Education and Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, made possible through a grant from the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. The goal of this initiative will be to enhance graduate peer support related to wellbeing on our campus. By connecting graduate students to UBC appropriate resources, creating an ongoing community of practice, and providing regular updates on new initiatives and developments within the realm of mental health and wellbeing, we hope ensure students can stay informed and ultimately help connect fellow students with supports as needed.

We hope that you could advertise this program to graduate students in your department by forwarding them the below message.

For more information on this exciting initiative, please see the below write up.  The deadline for applications is Monday, September 23rd.

Thanks very much,

Rehana Bacchus, MEd
Director, Academic Support
Office of the Dean and Vice-Provost | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus | Musqueam Traditional Territory
170-6371 Crescent Drive | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z2 Canada
Phone 604 822 6965


The Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program

“supporting graduate student mental health, wellbeing, and community”

Graduate school can be an exciting and challenging time. Some students may experience wellbeing challenges, including managing stress, navigating support, finding time for self-care (sleep, exercise, nutrition), and balancing personal and academic responsibilities.

Research shows that peer support can be an important tool in helping students thrive academically, socially and emotionally—that’s where the Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program comes in!

Why Join?

Many graduate students participate in formal and informal peer support roles; however, they do not always have the benefit of training and connection to a larger community. The Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program aims to build capacity and knowledge for UBC Vancouver graduate students in peer roles, by helping them:

  • Gain the confidence and skills to support their fellow graduate students who are experiencing wellbeing challenges;
  • Engage students in conversations about wellbeing and respond to questions;
  • Share information about appropriate resources both on and off-campus;
  • Connect with one another through a supportive Community of Practice and a network of fellow Ambassadors;
  • Create a supportive campus environment for fellow grad students. Members of the Ambassador program will be eligible for designated funding to support graduate student wellness events.

Ambassadors will have access to a Canvas toolkit with a host of resources to help them in their role, as well as extensive training through workshops facilitated by Health Promotion and Education staff. Our team of health promotion experts is committed to helping you succeed in your role and to ensuring that you feel supported and prepared.

Who Can Join?
To participate in the program, interested graduate students must be:

  • In good academic standing in their program;
  • Registered as either a part-time or full-time graduate student;
  • Have completed 12 months of their graduate studies;
  • In a peer role of some type that warrants additional training and support (for example on a departmental grad council, or a Graduate Wellbeing Network member);
  • Available to attend the one-day training on October 4th, 2019 with their peers on the UBC Vancouver campus (Point Grey);
  • Passionate about health and wellbeing.

How Can I Join? 
Interested in joining the Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program? Here’s how:

  • Complete the application form by Monday, September 23rd, 2019.
  • Provide a reference who can speak to your commitment to wellbeing (fellow student, or a UBC staff or faculty member);

Attend the one-day training on Friday, October 4th from 9 am- 5 pm;

The Graduate Student Wellbeing Ambassador Program is coordinated through the Health Promotion and Education unit at UBC’s Vancouver Campus. For more information, contact Levonne Abshire at

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