Call for Nominations: Canadian Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF)


Canadian Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF)

The aim of the CSHRF is to provide a venue for the networking, research exposure and recognition of Canada’s most promising research trainees in the health sciences. Universities have been invited on nominate their top PhD students in health sciences for participation in the forum.

Due to COVID-19, the Canadian Student Health Research Forum will be presented virtually this year from August 24 to 28, 2020.  As such, there will be no travel award funding offered this year.  However, UBC departments are invited to nominate their top PhD students to participate virtually in the conference (present their research via poster presentation). Selected conference participants will be invited to provide a short video presenting their poster; a winner of the poster submissions will be selected and announced during the conference.

This opportunity, just announced today by CSHRF, has a tight deadline.

Graduate program deadline to nominate students to participate in the conference: Friday, July 10, 2020

Registration deadline for selected nominees (selected by their UBC graduate program): Friday, July 10, 2020

For more information, including nomination procedures, please see our webpage:

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