Attention: NSERC Doctoral and Postdoctoral applicants
From: UBC G+PS Faculty and Staff Intranet
Sent: August 26, 2020 8:55 AM
Subject: New Group Content: NSERC info Session for doctoral and postdoctoral applicants: Sept 2, 2020
We are pleased to announce that NSERC’s Scholarships and Fellowships information session will be held virtually on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.
The schedule (in PDT) is as follows:
- 10:00-11:30 – Streaming of available NSERC informational videos (PGS D, CGS D and PDF program information, PGS D, CGS D and PDF online system tutorial, and advice and tips for writing an application); no audience interaction would take place during this portion
- 11:30-12:30 – Q&A session for doctoral applicants
- 12:30-1:30 – Q&A session for postdoctoral applicants
Details of the info session are as follows:
This session will focus solely on NSERC’S doctoral (CGS D/PGS D) and postdoctoral (PDF) programs. The Q&A sessions will be delivered as a WebEx Event and will be supported by a series of informational videos. The first three videos of the series are now available on NSERC’s YouTube channel. These videos are intended to completely replace the presentation portion of the NSERC sessions, allowing NSERC staff and applicants to engage in a in-depth and detailed Q&A session. UBC Awards staff will be available to answer questions pertaining to UBC’s procedures. Participants should watch the videos in advance and come to the Q&A session with specific questions in mind. Graduate program staff and advisors are welcome to participate.
If you are interested, please register here. You will receive the WebEx event link in advance of the session.