Call for Applications: BC NEIHR Indigenous Graduate and Postdoctoral Funding


Note: These award opportunities are externally administered, so questions should be directed to BC NEIHR.

British Columbia Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research (BC NEIHR)

To develop research skills and assist with student burdens related to financial, family, community and cultural responsibilities, the BC NEIHR supports Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) graduate students and postdoctoral fellows by annual competitions for Master’s and Doctoral scholarships and biennial (every two years) for Post-Doctoral fellowships.

BC NEIHR Master’s Scholarship Program

The BC NEIHR launches an annual competition for Master’s Scholarships valued at $17,500 each. Each year, recipients are invited to a Learning and Sharing Circle (with funded Indigenous communities, collectives and organizations), where they present their work and speak about their participation in this Scholarship program.

Value: $17,500 for 1 year
Application Deadline: 1 February 2022

BC NEIHR Doctoral Scholarship Program

The BC NEIHR launches an annual competition for Doctoral Scholarships valued at $35,000 each. Each year, recipients are invited to a Learning and Sharing Circle (with funded Indigenous communities, collectives and organizations), where they present their work and speak about their participation in this Scholarship program.

Value: $35,000 (1 year)
Application Deadline: 1 February 2022

BC NEIHR Doctoral Scholarship Renewal Program

The objective of the BC NEIHR Doctoral Scholarship Renewal program is to continue to support the development of research skills and assist in the training of Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) doctoral students enrolled in British Columbia (BC) institutions. This scholarship program is for students who: previously received a BC NEIHR Doctoral Scholarship; continue to demonstrate achievement in graduate studies; and show partnership potential with Indigenous communities, collectives and organizations.

Value: $35,000 (renewal of 1 year)
Application Deadline: 1 February 2022

BC NEIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Value: $59,398 per year (varying duration)
Application Deadline: 1 February 2022

For more information, including application procedures and detailed eligibility requirements, please see  Questions about these opportunities should be directed to

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