LFS TA Training Program to LFS grad students


 LFS TA Training Program – Respondents do not have to be a TA and will be entered into a draw for coffee cards.  


Alysha Deslippe, PhD(c)
Doctoral Student, LFS TA Training Program Coordinator
Nutrition and Eating Behaviour (NEB) Lab | Healthy Starts
University of British Columbia | BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute
alyshade@student.ubc.ca | alysha.deslippe@bcchr.ubc.ca

[WORKSHOPS] Campus Climate Action Summit


IRES grad student Jaden Phillips (they/them) is extending an invitation for post-secondary students across Canada interested in climate action and campus climate organizing: The Campus Climate Action Summit!

This summer, starting on July 11th through August 22nd, The Climate Reality Project is organizing 7 FREE workshops (one each week, every Tuesday 6PM – 8:30PM Eastern) hosted by a line-up of climate experts, leaders, and activists in the field of climate action and organizing (MC’d by Jaden J).

You will spend valuable time learning about climate storytelling, how to handle difficult conversations around climate change, divestment, mobilizations & campus organizing, intersectionality in climate justice, eco-anxiety, greenwashing, the issue with capitalism, and more. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to connect with other students from across so-called Canada and the U.S. to build a network of support involving like-minded, passionate youth climate organizers.

WHO: Open to all post-secondary students in Canada
WHEN: Once a week, from July 11th to August 22nd, every Tuesday 6PM – 8:30PM Eastern

WHERE: On Zoom
Sign up online before July 5th: English / French
COST: Completely FREE

Bonus: by the end of the 7 weeks, you will receive a certificate for attending the workshops!

Best regards,


Nivretta Thatra (she/her)
Communications Manager
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES)
The University of British Columbia | Musqueam Traditional Territory
nivretta.thatra@ubc.ca | thatniv.com

Thesis Defense – Applied Animal Biology – PhD – Wali Mohammad Sahar


UBC and The Faculty of Land and Food Systems


The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
(Applied Animal Biology)

Wali Mohammad Sahar

Behavioural Changes Associated with Early Identification of Disease in Dairy Cows”

Tuesday, July 11, 2023 – 12:30 PM

Room 350, HR MacMillan Building, 2357 Main Mall


Chair: Dr. K. Mizumoto

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. M. von Keyserlingk – Supervisor
Dr. D. Weary – Committee member
Dr. Y. Lamers – Committee member
Dr. A. Beaver – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. M. von Keyserlingk – Supervisor
Dr. D. Weary – Committee member
Dr. C. Brauner – University Examiner
Dr. R. Cerri – University Examiner
Dr. M. Schutz – External Examiner


REMINDER: CCARM “Food for Thought” Seminar Series: Dr. Paramjit S. Tappia – Friday, July 7, 2023, at 11:00 am (Central Standard Time-CST)


Dr. Paramjit S. Tappia, PhD, Clinical Research Scientist, St. Boniface Hospital Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA will be giving an in-person seminar on Friday, July 7, 2023, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Central Standard Time-CST) 

His seminar is entitled, “Cardioprotective actions of dietary amino acids in diabetes” 

Everyone is invited to attend.

FoodForThought – 07072023 2023 – Tappia_online (002)

Use the link below to join the Zoom Meeting


If link above does not work, go into Zoom website, click Join:

Meeting ID:  850 2682 3635

Passcode:  844287

Julie Schoffner

Administrative Assistant
Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine (CCARM)
St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre
& University of Manitoba
Room R2019 – 351 Taché  Avenue
Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6  CANADA

Email:  jschoffner2@sbrc.ca
Tel: 204.235.3455     Fax: 204.237.4018

Thesis Defense – Applied Animal Biology – MSc – Kai Allen Von Rentzell


UBC – Faculty of Land and Food Systems Announces The Oral Examination for the Degree of

Master of Science (Applied Animal Biology)

Kai Allen Von Rentzell

“Implications of International dog rescue operations on Canadian sheltering practices”

Tuesday, July 4, 2023 – 1:00 PM




Chair: Dr. F. Noack

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. A. Protopopova – Supervisor
Dr.– M. von Keyserlingk – Committee member
Dr. K. Van Haafen – Committee member
Dr. C. Bratiotis – Committee member

Defense Committee Composition
Dr. A. Protopopova – Supervisor
Dr. K. Van Haafen – Committee member
Dr. C. Bratiotis – Committee member
Dr. J.T. Binfet – External