


July 2024

Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

Euroscience Fun Conference – Iceland 2016

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

I am getting ready to attend a Euro Science Fun Conference in Iceland. I have been actively involved in math and science outreach for almost two decades now. I am very familiar with the outreach efforts (in math, physics and chemistry) that are going on in North America. I have helped to establish a number […]

38th UBC Physics Olympics

Sunday, March 6th, 2016

On March 5th, 2016 we held a 38th UBC Physics Olympics. It was a very successful event. I would like to share a letter I have written to the Physics Teachers who came with their teams to participate in the event. I think the letters speaks to why physics outreach matters so much. Dear BC Physics […]

Adding computer coding to K-7 without teacher support

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

The news that BC government decided to add computer coding to BC elementary curriculum was a welcome development to many of us who are worried about Canada’s over reliance on natural resources. The last thing I want my country to do is to sell our natural resources and to neglect the development of the industries that […]

Addressing Group Work Challenges in Online Courses

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

I am currently teaching an online course for the MET Program at UBC titled Technology in Mathematics and Science Classroom. I have taught this course many times before (at least four times). And even after all these years, I have to admit that it is a challenge teaching online. For example, from my estimates, it […]

On the importance of … FAILURE

Monday, January 18th, 2016

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.  Winston Churchill During this weekend, I happened to stumble a number of times upon an idea that failure is crucial for learning. While listening to Bill Nye’s book “Undeniable” in the gym, I  noticed how he talked about Dolly the sheep and […]

AAPT Distinguished Service Award

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

I am very honoured and proud to receive AAPT Homer L. Dodge Distinguished Service Citation for my contributions to physics education. It might be immodest to write about myself, but it is also an opportunity for me to mention how tremendously important my AAPT, BCAPT , OAPT and CAP friends and colleagues have been in my life. So […]

Derek Muller’s challenge: How to learn from presentations?

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Today I had an opportunity to attend Derek Muller’s talk at the Winter 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers meeting in New Orleans. Derek Muller (who was born in Vancouver) is a creator of a very famous YouTube channel: Veritasium –  I have heard Derek’s presentations before, but in my view this one was the […]

New Year – New Beginnings

Friday, January 8th, 2016

As I am beginning a new year and reflecting on the past one, I cannot stop appreciating how many new interesting people I have met in 2016. While snowshoeing on Mt. Seymour during the winter break, I had a chance to think once again about the year of 2015. It was a great year for me. […]

Reflection on an online ETEC 533 course: Math and Science teaching with technology

Monday, November 30th, 2015

Yesterday I received an unexpected email from one of my former students in an on-line graduate course – ETEC533 – Technology in Mathematics and Science Classroom. Stefanie was finishing the program and she decided to do a reflection on the courses she took and on their impact. This is what she wrote about my course. […]

Math for Parents and Children

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

  I am very happy about the the workshop I led on Saturday, November 21st as part of UBC Centennial Lecture Series. It was a very engaging event with more than 100 participants. Most importantly, it showed that meaningful activities can engage both parents and children. I hope it will become a tradition.

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