


July 2024

Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

Using Educational Technology to Promote Inquiry in Science Teacher Education

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

I am honoured to be invited to present an invited talk at Korean Association of Science Education National Conference that will take place at Daegu University in February of this year. As I am preparing and practicing my talk  Using Educational Technologies to Promote Inquiry Improved Feb 2014 (thanks to my friends from the Toastmasters Club […]

Gary Hoban: Slowmation and much more

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

Today I happened to attend a presentation by Garry Hoban – a professor of science education from the University of Wollongong in Australia. In his presentation organized by the Centre of Teaching and Learning and Technology at UBC (CTLT) Garry discussed how he uses Slowmation with his pre-service primary teachers. I discussed this project to some […]

AAPT 2014 Presentations: Spotlight on PeerWise

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

I just came back from the AAPT Winter 2014 National Meeting. My team presented 4 presentations there: two posters and two contributed talks. Our presentations focused on the use of technology in physics teacher education. One piece of technology we have been focussing on lately is PeerWise. This is a very powerful collaborative tool that […]

New Year Resolutions in Science Education

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Early January is always the perfect time for New Year’s resolutions: we all want to be better in a new year – to eat better, to have better health, to exercise more consistently, to have more time for friends and family. I think the New Year resolution fever is not going to avoid science educators […]

Interview with me about STEM 2014 Conference

Monday, November 4th, 2013

IAEA 2013 Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel

Monday, November 4th, 2013

I just returned from the IAEA conference that took place in Tel Aviv, Israel. IAEA is an International Association for Educational Assessment. It focuses on all kinds of assessment. However, one of the most prominent interests of the members of the Association is the International Assessment – something like PISA, TIMSS or other large scale […]

The Results of OECD Adult Skills Surveys

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

These are very interesting and important results. I especially like the interactivity of the charts. I would recommend you to start with listening to their 3 min YouTube and then go and see their results of play with the data. I especially liked how they analyzed country’s performance by age… What does it mean that […]

WHY Scientists and Innovators in the Schools Matters

Sunday, October 13th, 2013

I just heard that our government (BC Government) decided to stop supporting the Scientists and Innovators in the school organization. I have been volunteering for SIS for about eight years now. As a science educator, a scientist and a mother, I cannot understand how the government doesn’t want to spend very little money to support […]

Fish is Fish: Happy New School Year!!!

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

I would like to wish all teachers, students and parents a wonderful new year. As I am thinking of a year ahead, one of my favourite stories comes to mind “Fish is Fish” by Leo Leoni. I think it is worth watching, as it remind us how important it is for teachers to remember that […]

Educational Tutorials from ETEC533 Course

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

This summer I had an amazing opportunity to teach an online graduate course in the Master of Educational Technology Program at UBC. I was a little bit apprehensive of it at first – a new graduate course (I taught four new courses this year, three of them I designed), teaching all summer long, teaching online… […]

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