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Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

Winter 2013 AAPT Meeting

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

Winter 2013 meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers is taking place in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is always a wonderful event, but this year the list of speakers is just outstanding (AAPT WM 2013 program: ). I am especially happy for the AAPT award winners this year. It is especially important to […]

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 31st, 2012

I would like to wish everybody a happy and healthy new year. I thought that Sheldon, Penny and Leonard in one of my faviourite episodes of The Big Bang Theory will do it better than I can: I also would like to share The Big Bang Theory Fan Site with you:  

Open Letter to President Obama

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Family Science Day and Celebrate Science Library Fest 2012

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

On October 27 2012 we had another Family Science Day and on November 2nd we had our third Celebrate Science Library event. The goals of both events were to bring science to the community: to teachers, parents, future teachers and of course students. These were two busy Saturdays, but I think they were worth it. […]

Janusz Korczak and UBC Faculty of Education

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

A few days ago while walking along the hallway of the UBC Faculty of Education I noticed a very special exhibit.  The exhibit drew my attention right away – a number of black and white photos featured children with a kind looking man standing beside them. The man was hugging the children as if he […]

Interview with Linda Darling-Hammond on Finland and on Education in the US

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

The Finland Phenomenon: What can Canada learn from it?

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

I am teaching a very interesting graduate course this term. In one of the meetings, my students suggested us to replace the readings I recommended them by the recent report by OECD: Top of the Class: High Performers in Science in PISA 2006.  This report was an excellent choice as it made us all think […]

BCAPT Fall 2012 Meeting at TRIUMF

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

I had a great opportunity to attend the BCAPT Fall 2012 Meeting together with more than 60 other physics teachers from all over BC. I just wanted to tell you how much impressed I was by the presentation of Dr. Bernd Stelzer from Simon Fraser University who spoke about the recent discoveries in the field […]

Evolution Versus Creationism: What should science teachers do?

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

I am teaching a very interesting (at least for me) graduate course on the Research in Science Teaching and Learning. Our last meeting focused on the Nature of Science and we of course had an opportunity to discuss the Evolution-Creationism controversy that has been raging for decades South of the border and also in Canada… […]

Taking My Students to a Physics Teaching Conference

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

On Saturday, October 13th, five of my students and I drove to Bellingham, Washington to attend a Washington Section AAPT Conference. I have posted my feedback about the conference here. It was a very special event and I felt that in some way I am repaying a “debt” of more than 12 years ago. Then […]

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