


July 2024

Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

Provincial Government Cancels Support for Science Literacy Program for BC Children and Families

Friday, June 29th, 2012

 British Columbia Public Education scene has been in turmoil in the past few years. Last year, a job action of BC teachers has shaken it even more. However, the actions by the BC Government towards public education make many of us even more puzzled than the actions of BC Teachers’ Union. Just yesterday, our Premier, […]

Lee Shulman and the Importance of Content Knowledge

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

It is hard to find a person who has made a more significant contribution to education than Prof. Emeritus from Stanford – Dr. Lee S. Shulman. I have never had a chance to meet Prof. Shulman in person, yet his name popped up so often in discussions on teaching, that I felt as if I […]

A History of Ideas in Science Education

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

As I am preparing for teaching my summer course EDCP 585A_2012 Milner-Bolotin_June 28_2012 – Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Technologies, I have a chance to rethink how technology has changed (or has not changed) how we learn mathematics and science. To help me rethink it, I decided to look at the history of […]

Clickers in K-12 Classroom: The Globe and Mail…

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

I have been extremely busy in the last few months. It felt as if we had conference after conference, teaching, workshops and presentations, as well as trying to do research and write grant applications… I hope I will have time to reflect, slow down a little bit now and pulling my life back together. Recently, […]

Using video in science teaching: Amazing Earth Collection

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

For the past number of months I have been supervising education students on a school practicum. The students I supervise are future science teachers and they are learning to teach during the 13 month long practicum. I noticed that many of the student-teachers tend to use video clips to bring exciting science phenomena into the […]

Recent Science Education Talk by Carl Weiman

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

I think the presentation of Dr. Carl Weiman will be of interest to anybody who cares about science education. Even though Carl Weiman is focused on science education in the United States, his talk has clear implications to all of us. See:

Olivia Fermi’s Thoughts on AAAS Panel Science is Not Enough

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

I think Olivia’s thoughts on the panel are worth looking at: I hope you will enjoy reading her post the same way I did.

This is what a scientist looks like

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

As science educators we know that science teaching is much more than lesson plans or science labs. It is also much more than technology we use in the classroom to teach science. Science teaching is also about WHO IS A SCIENTIST and CAN I BE ONE? I really liked how Allie Willinson decided to challenge […]

Science is Not Enough – AAAS Panel

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

I have had an amazing opportunity to attend two very exciting conference this February – the American Association of Physics Teachers’ Conference in Ontario, California and the American Association for the Advancement of Science Conference in Vancouver. I put many of my comments about the events on my blog and I do not want […]

New Year Thoughts on Science Teaching, Learning and Research

Friday, January 27th, 2012

My blog has been dormant for a while. However, the lack of my activity has nothing to do with the lack of exciting developments in science education in Vancouver, in Canada and int he world. Vice versa, there have been so many interesting science education things in my life, that I could barely keep up. […]

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