


July 2024

Archive for the 'Interactivity in the classroom' Category

Factors Influencing College Science Success

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Recently I attended the Summer Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers. I love summer meetings and I always come back inspired by what I saw. However, this time there were so many amazing things that I was almost overwhelmed. One of the highlights for me was a Millikan Lecture by Harvard Professor – […]

Mars Landing – A Great Succeess of Science and Engineering

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

This summer has been filled with amazing scientific discoveries: Higgs Boson, Mars Landing, only to name a few – How exciting is that? I especially find it amazing that modern technology helps us understand and appreciate these discoveries at a very different level. For example, this web site above allows us to see what Curiosity […]

Notes from the Summer 2012 AAPT Conference in Philly

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

For the past five days I have been attending the AAPT Summer Meeting in Philly. It was one of the best meetings I have ever attended. It was very interesting and very stimulating. I loved the Millikan Award lecture by Philip Sadler, as well as the plenary by Nima Arkani Hamed. I also enjoyed smaller […]

Educational Technology, Metacognition and “Thinking Fast and Slow” book by Daniel Kahneman

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

I just finished teaching  my summer course “Teaching Mathematics and Science Through Technologies”. It was one of the best course I have ever taught – thanks to an amazing group of students who decided to enroll in the course. It was three weeks of daily 3 hour long meetings that gave us an opportunity to […]

Salman Khan Talks about Flipping the Classroom

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

Supporting Active Learning and Technological Innovation in Science Education

Friday, June 29th, 2012

I recently became aware of a new Canadian resource for science educators that merges technology, science education and active learning: site comes from Quebec and I personally know the people involved in its development. I hope to have an opportunity to collaborate with them. The site addresses a lot of the issues I am […]

The Scale of the Universe

Friday, June 29th, 2012

As I am getting ready to teach my summer course, I keep looking for resources. It is a fabulous website. I love the idea of scale and how technology can help us visualize it more interactively. As soon as I think of it, the famous movie by Charles and Ray Eams (a husband and a […]

Clickers in K-12 Classroom: The Globe and Mail…

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

I have been extremely busy in the last few months. It felt as if we had conference after conference, teaching, workshops and presentations, as well as trying to do research and write grant applications… I hope I will have time to reflect, slow down a little bit now and pulling my life back together. Recently, […]

Using video in science teaching: Amazing Earth Collection

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

For the past number of months I have been supervising education students on a school practicum. The students I supervise are future science teachers and they are learning to teach during the 13 month long practicum. I noticed that many of the student-teachers tend to use video clips to bring exciting science phenomena into the […]

3T: Toastmasters, Technology and Teaching

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

As the term is coming to an end, I have some time to reflect on different things that I have been thinking about recently. One of them is the use of electronic response systems (clickers) in elementary classrooms. I have been teaching a science methods course this term and I used clickers and I kept […]

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