


July 2024

Archive for the 'Interactivity in the classroom' Category

Excellence in Elementary Mathematics Teaching: A Case of Mary Holland

Friday, March 11th, 2011

It is an interesting video clip and it is relevant to our elementary teachers too. Notice how one person can make a difference for her students and for the new teachers in her school. Notice, how she describes how poorly the new teachers are prepared and how she helps new teachers with the content, pedagogy […]

Salman Khan: Let Us Use Video to Reinvent Education

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

This TED Video is worth watching for any educator, parent or student. This is what technology can do to change our world!

Iona Beach Park Environmental Field Trip

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Tomorrow my students and I will be discussing science field trips for elementary school students. I have been thinking of a field trip I would like to share with my students that would be something they might have not thought of. I think I found it – a Field Trip to Iona Island in Richmond. […]

Practicum Reflections

Friday, March 4th, 2011

For the past few month I have been a Faculty Adviser to Teacher-Candidates (pre-service secondary science teachers). As part of my responsibility I had to observe their teaching and provide them with useful feedback. It was my first time to do practicum supervision and being a new person to the system, I noticed a few […]

Assessment in Science and Beyond

Monday, February 28th, 2011

My students and I had a very interesting discussion in class today. As they are working on science unit planning, they are asked to submit an assignment where they focus on how they will assess student learning. We discuss three kinds of assessment with them – Assessment FOR Learning (formative assessment done by the teacher), […]

Data Collection in Middle School Science

Friday, February 25th, 2011

As I am preparing my Monday science methods lesson for my pre-service elementary teachers, I keep thinking of how to persuade them that computerized data collection and analysis has its place in the elementary science classroom. One of the big issues I have to address is the dire situation with science equipment in our elementary […]


Thursday, February 24th, 2011

If you are like me, for you one picture will be worth thousands words. Visualization helps me a lot to grasp and idea or a concept. It also helps me see a bigger picture. That is where Wordle might be handy. Wordle helps you visualize text by generating “Word clouds” from the text that you […]

Eric Mazur on Education and Educators

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

URL: Share: A Harvard Physics Professor – Dr. Eric Mazur has been a role model for me and many of my colleagues. If I think of a person who has made a difference in how we teach physics, Eric Mazur would be this person. He is one of the leading physicts in the field […]

Otto von Guericke Would Have Been Proud

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

I visited a local elementary school today and we were able to recreate “an original air pressure experiment” performed by Otto von Guericke in Magdeburg in 1650. We used Pressure Pullers from Educational Innovations. It is interesting, how quickly the tools people invent open possibilities for exploration. Von Guericke invented an air pump and he […]

Amazing Fog

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

This is the view from the Skyride entrance on Grouse. I just loved it. I see cool science anywhere I go. This photo is also interesting as it combines cool science and art. Interestingly, one of the course assignments in my elementary science methods class is to notice something interesting science related and post a […]

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