


July 2024

Archive for the 'Outreach' Category

5th International Women in Physics Conference -August 2014 at Wilfid Laurier University in Canada

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

We have very exciting news: 5th International Women in Physics Conference will take place in -August 2014 at Wilfid Laurier University in Canada. We hope you will help us advertise it, so we can invite amazing women in physics to come to Canada, report on their research, share their experiences and try to figure out […]

Reflections on the Panel during Creating Connections Conference…

Monday, May 13th, 2013

A few days ago I happened to attend a conference at UBC, titled Creating Connections 2013. The conference lasted for two days and was organized  by Prof. Elizabeth Croft and her team. Elizabeth is an NSERC Research Chair on Women in Science Engineering and Technology for BC and Yukon region and she is certainly one of […]

A Very Special School Visit to a West Side Elementary School

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Today I had an opportunity to visit a local elementary school. This was a regular yet a very special school visit for me, as this was the school that  my own kids attended when we came to Canada. For more than 8 years I have been a member of the Scientists and Innovators in the […]

Reflections on UBC Physics Olympics

Sunday, March 10th, 2013

A few days ago I had a nightmare. In my dream I had to teach a physics class and I was not only unprepared, but I also couldn’t figure out how to interest the kids in the subject. As the class was in the state of a total mayhem, I spiraled into the state of […]

Flight of the Butterflies: An amazing story

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Yesterday I had an opportunity to view an amazing movie at an amazing place. The movie is called “Flight of the Butterflies” and the place is the IMax theatre at the Telus World of Science. I was invited to the preview as a member of the Scientists and Innovators in the Schools community – a […]

35th Physics Olympics at UBC

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

On March 9th, the Department of Physics and Astronomy and our department – Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy once again will co-host the Physics Olympics. It is a very special event that brings to UBC campus hundreds of grade 11-12 physics students, parents and teachers. This year we have a record number of participating teams […]

Marie Curie – A Living History Project

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Today I received a very special e-mail from a very special woman – Susan Marie Frontczak. I would like to share it with you. Dear Marina Today I celebrated my birthday, and received many good wishes. Many encouraged me to celebrate and a good friend suggested that I “make it a day to remember.”  This preliminary […]

Winter 2013 AAPT Meeting

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

Winter 2013 meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers is taking place in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is always a wonderful event, but this year the list of speakers is just outstanding (AAPT WM 2013 program: ). I am especially happy for the AAPT award winners this year. It is especially important to […]

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 31st, 2012

I would like to wish everybody a happy and healthy new year. I thought that Sheldon, Penny and Leonard in one of my faviourite episodes of The Big Bang Theory will do it better than I can: I also would like to share The Big Bang Theory Fan Site with you:  

Family Science Day and Celebrate Science Library Fest 2012

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

On October 27 2012 we had another Family Science Day and on November 2nd we had our third Celebrate Science Library event. The goals of both events were to bring science to the community: to teachers, parents, future teachers and of course students. These were two busy Saturdays, but I think they were worth it. […]

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