


July 2024

Archive for the 'Personal' Category

Should You Become a Physics Teacher?

Friday, September 28th, 2012

This term I teach future physics teachers. I have a group of wonderful students (13 future physics teachers) and we meet for three hours a week. Last week the students had an opportunity to visit a local school for a day (on a one-day practicum) and observe lessons, interact with teachers and students… When they […]

Rethinking Conceptual Change Theories

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

This term I am very fortunate to be able to teach a graduate course on the Research in Science Education (EDCP 559 at UBC). This course makes me think and rethink many of the concepts I thought I have understood before. It made me think how we build our understanding and how new ideas fit […]

My First Day Teaching A Physics Methods Course

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Today it was my first day teaching future physics teachers at UBC. It is so exciting to have an opportunity to inspire new physics teachers. I remember how grateful I was to more experienced physics teachers in Israel who helped me to get started. I especially remember Korina Polinger  – a physics teacher from Rehovot […]

A Gift to Physics Teachers and Students for a New Year

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

I am a member of the BCAPT e-mail list. And this is what I received through the list today. What an amazing gift. Thank you Andy for sharing it with us. This is Andy’s text: “This image is just mind-blowing.  It was originally captured in 1927 at the Solvay Conference, attended by some of the […]

Inspiration for a New School Year: An Interview with Maria Klawe

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Richard Feynman – Special Website

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I am delighted to hear about this very special web site about Richard Feynman –

Science World and Science Outreach

Friday, August 24th, 2012

How do you know that your kids have grown up? When you come to Science World and you realize that you haven’t been there for a while… I have been volunteering with the Scientists and Innovators in the School organization since 2006. This organization is run by the Science World and it bridges scientists and […]

Ken Robinson Talks about Changing Education Paradigms

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

I am confident every educator should watch Ken Robinson’s presentation… I also really like how it is illustrated.

Meeting Ben Franklin at Summer 2012 AAPT in Philly!

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Every year something very neat and unexpected happens at AAPT National Meetings. It is of course super fun to see all my physics teaching friends and colleagues, but it is something I expect to happen. However, I am always going to the meetings in anticipation of good surprises and amazing “aha” moments. For example, a […]

Educational Technology, Metacognition and “Thinking Fast and Slow” book by Daniel Kahneman

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

I just finished teaching  my summer course “Teaching Mathematics and Science Through Technologies”. It was one of the best course I have ever taught – thanks to an amazing group of students who decided to enroll in the course. It was three weeks of daily 3 hour long meetings that gave us an opportunity to […]

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