


July 2024

Archive for the 'Personal' Category

New Online M.Ed. Program at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy

Monday, October 16th, 2017

I have been teaching graduate courses in the Faculty of Education at UBC for the last 8 years. During this time, I have worked with many practising teachers, who have decided to pursue their advance academic degree. One of the challenges they faced was combining work, family and their studies. Commute to UBC was a […]

Scientific Communication: Creating STEM Videos

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

Learning how to share your ideas with your students in creative ways is a great skills for any educators. It is even more important for mathematics and science teachers. In British Columbia, with the introduction of the new science curriculum, learning how to engage students with big science ideas in an interactive and creative way […]

September 1st, 2017

Friday, September 1st, 2017

Growing up in the family that valued education and having a mother who was a mathematics and science teacher, September 1st has always been a special day for me. In the Soviet Union where I grew up, it marked the beginning of a new academic year – a new adventure. And while I had my […]

Happy New Academic Year

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

As I am preparing to my 8th academic year as a Teacher at the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia, I keep thinking of my role as a science educator who has a lucky opportunity to help prepare new STEM teachers. I am deliberately using the word Teacher and not Professor, as I think […]

STEM Videos for Teachers, Students and Families

Friday, August 11th, 2017

During the last year a group of my students and I have been working on creating short videos of STEM experiments that our teacher-candidates can do with their students. This project became possible thanks to the generous support of the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund. We are very grateful for their support. Many of […]

Hands-On Science: A video resource for STEM students, teachers & parents

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

What if we engaged new mathematics and science teachers into designing new science and math hands on activities? What if we used technology to document these activities and share them with other teachers, students and parents? This is an idea behind a UBC-funded project that focuses on creating hands-on science and math resources for all. […]

Thoughts about Teaching as a Profession

Saturday, January 28th, 2017

Last Tuesday I was invited (as a volunteer) to visit a local school – John Oliver Secondary School. It is a public secondary school (grades 8-12) located on the East Side of Vancouver. This means that the children in this school come predominantly from the families with the lower Socio-Economic Status as compared to the kids […]

Thoughts on Education, Technology, and Teacher Education in 2017

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

This winter break I had a lot of time to think about the future of education and the role technology will play in it. I was able to reflect on the role technology plays in my own professional and personal life. As I was walking along the beautiful Spanish Banks in Vancouver and taking photos […]

An Interactive Periodic Table and more…

Friday, November 11th, 2016

Last week I returned from attending a very inspring STEM conference in Beijing, China. The conference focused on STEM, but a big part of it was dedicated to the use of technology. As I stayed in BJ for a few more days, I was invited to visit a very interesting museum: China Science and Technology […]

Hosting a Delegation of Chinese Physics Teachers from Hangzhou

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

I am honoured I was asked to host a delegation of 24 Chinese physics teachers from Hangzhou. These teachers are travelling to Canada to learn more about physics teaching and the use of technology in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. This is something I am very passionate about and I was happy I […]

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