


January 2025

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Catalyst 2017 Conference

Friday, October 21st, 2016

USING TECHNOLOGY TO PROMOTE HIGH QUALITY SCIENCE EDUCATION ONLINE AND FACE-TO-FACE For the last five years I have been teaching an online graduate course in the Master of Educational Technology online graduate program at UBC ( Since it is an online course, educators from all over the world can enrol in it and they do. […]

Euroscience Fun Conference – Iceland 2016

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

I am getting ready to attend a Euro Science Fun Conference in Iceland. I have been actively involved in math and science outreach for almost two decades now. I am very familiar with the outreach efforts (in math, physics and chemistry) that are going on in North America. I have helped to establish a number […]

Special Community Workshop on Overcoming Math Fear: November 21st, 2015

Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

To find more about it click here:

The Anti-scientific Revolution in Canada

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

I wanted to draw your attention to the recent radio series on Canadian CBC Radio with Paul Kennedy – The Ideas. The Ideas in my view is one of the best radio shows out there. I love how they chose topics and how they explore them always making you to want more. This special 3-part series […]

BYOD Dilemma

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

As I was teaching in China for the past two weeks I encountered a very interesting situation. I taught the same professional development course twice. Since I have never worked with Chinese teachers before, my first week was full of new experiences and new insights. I have been learning more than they did (speaking with […]

Teaching in BJ: Week 1 Impressions

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

I have finished teaching Week 1 of the course. What an exciting experience. I am very inspired by what I saw here. Most importantly, I realized that good teaching has no borders. Here is what Chinese teachers found most useful:] 1) PhET simulations 2) Clickers 3) Logger Pro – sensors 4) Games and Group work […]

Asking New Questions in Technology Age

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

While we like to discuss how technology negatively affects our ability to connect with people, I would like to discuss how technology allows us to ask and answer new questions. For example, as we have gotten the results of the new International mathematics and science assessment, we might want to decide to compare different countries. […]

Educational Tutorials: MET ETC 533 2015 Course

Friday, March 13th, 2015

As graduate students participating in my online MET course “Mathematics and science teaching and learning with technology” finishing their projects, I would like to post the links to their projects, so other educators can benefit from them. I am always amazed and positively surprised by the outcomes of this international collaboration between inspiring and knowledgeable […]

Student Work in an Online MET STEM Course

Friday, March 13th, 2015

As I discussed earlier, this year I am teaching (for the second time,a s the previous time was in 2013) an online course on Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning with Technology. I say the second time, because the first time I taught the course I was teaching the old version, designed by another person. […]

Nerd Nite Vancouver January 2015: The Future of STEM Education

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

I had an opportunity to present a talk at Nerd Nite Vancouver event. I recorded the presentation and uploaded it on YouTube. Here is the abstract: Exploring Future Timeline of Technology-Enhanced Science Education: Reimagining How Our Grandchildren Will Learn Science in 2050 Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin Scientists predict that in 2050, humanity will be at cross roads. […]

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