


February 2025

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Reflections on what I learned in 2014

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

As the year is coming to an end I ask myself what did I learn this year? While I can name many things, I decided to limit myself to 10 things related to the use of technology in education (not limited to STEM). Here is a short list of my personal discoveries of 2014 (in […]

UBC Killam Celebration 2014

Friday, November 7th, 2014

I feel honoured to be invited to 2014 Celebration of UBC Killam Award winners: Killam Trusts are something very unique to Canada that many people do not know about. It is also interesting that the idea for the trust came to Dorothy Killam in 1965. The effect has been enormous – I could see it […]

Vernier Workshop at STEM 2014 Conference in Vancouver

Sunday, July 13th, 2014

I am very excited about the STEM 2014 international conference we are hosting at UBC this summer. It has a wide international representation (17 countries) and amazing speakers:   Today we are presenting a Vernier workshop to the educators from all over the world. We will talk about what we do and how STEM research […]

Science Education: International Perspectives

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

As science educators, we often wonder how what is happening in Canada resonates with science education developments worldwide. Recently a very important Canadian Science Outreach and Promotion organization Let’s Talk Science produced a report that I hope many educators will read: Spotlight on science learning: The high cost of dropping science and math. It talks about […]

Killam Teaching Award

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

  While this might be considered immodest to write about oneself, but it is my blog and I can share my feelings about receiving this very special for me award. Anybody who cares about his or her teaching knows  that we all have our ups and downs. When you strive for excellence, you often feel […]

IAEA 2013 Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel

Monday, November 4th, 2013

I just returned from the IAEA conference that took place in Tel Aviv, Israel. IAEA is an International Association for Educational Assessment. It focuses on all kinds of assessment. However, one of the most prominent interests of the members of the Association is the International Assessment – something like PISA, TIMSS or other large scale […]

Our MSTLTT Project Funded for Another Year

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

We are very happy that our project – Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning Through Technology had been funded for another year by UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund. We are very happy that our project – Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning Through Technology had been funded for another year by UBC Teaching and […]

Happy 90th Birthday to Prof. Al Bartlett!

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

For more than 10 years I have been an active member of the American Association of Physics Teachers. This provided me an opportunity to meet, work with and learn from amazing physics educators from all over the world. Some of them are high school teachers, while others teach at colleges and universities. I have to […]

Research Presentation at the S&METRI Meeting

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

On Thursday, February 28th, 2012, my students (Heather Fisher and Alexandra McDonald) and I presented our research at the S&METRI monthly meeting. S&METRI represents a group of mathematics and science educators at our department (Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education) who meet to discuss our research and new ideas in the […]

Physics in Everyday Life: The physics of static electricity…

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

A few weeks ago I was approached by a reporter from a local Chinese newspaper – Ming Pao Newspaper – Ms. Louisa Chan. She asked me to clarify a few questions asked by their readers: specifically she wanted to know more about the electric shock and why it happens more often in the winter than […]

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