


July 2024

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Canadian Association of Physicists at U of T June 2010

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

2010 Congress of the Canadian Association of Physicists took place in Toronto during June 7-11, 2010. Among many excellent plenary speakers at the Congress were Ursula Franklin and Charles Towens (the inventor of the laser). Ursula Franklin is one of the first female professors in engineering and science in Canada is she has made an […]

Women in SMET Disciplines in Canada

Friday, May 28th, 2010

Who would think that I will keep posting comments on my blog well over the end of my ETEC 533 course. I am not required to do that, yet I feel that some of the recent developments in Canadian Academy and Canadian Funding Agencies make me very concerned. On May 20th, Anna Marina Tremonti, a […]

Using Technology to Engage Science Teachers in Professional Development

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Recently I became actively involved in the BC Association of Physics Teachers. I have been involved in BCAPT some years ago, then when I moved to Ontario I was involved with ON APT and now I am back to BC. AAPT and its sections (like BCAPT or OAPT) is a very exciting organization. Yet, I […]

May Meeting of the BC Section of the AAPT

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

On Saturday, May 8, 2010 we had a very exciting meeting of the BC Section of the AAPT. The meeting took place at Langara College in Vancouver and almost 40 physics educators from high schools, colleges and universities in BC joined us. We had a very exciting meeting. To know more please check the FB […]

“Exploring Scaling: From concept to applications”

Monday, April 26th, 2010

I would like to share with you my new paper that appeared in the Science Education Review journal. The paper is open access, so you can access it for free here.  Science Education Review is an international journal for science teachers. It publishes practical papers about science teaching and learning. The journal aimed at helping […]

Cambrdige Celebrates its Octocentenary

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

This post is not about educational technology, although I am using Internet and Wikipedia extensively to write it up. This post is more about education and its history and less about technology. A few years back we celebrated UBC’s centenary (100 years). Our university was established in 1905. The University of Toronto will celebrate its […]

Unanswered Questions About Smartboards

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Today I had a chance to take part in an interesting discussion on the role of Smartboards in elementary classrooms. As a result of this discussion, I was left with more questions than answers. This is good, as I will be keeping these questions in my mind, till I figure them out (or at least […]

iPAD Release: “Holding an Internet in Your Hands”

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

It is hard not to notice a release of iPAD by Apple. While listening to Steve Job’s presentation of a new iPAD I couldn’t help but notice this amazing phrase “Holding an Internet in Your Hands”. I just keep wondering how this new technology will change how we teach and how our students learn… How […]

Carnegie Mellon: Resource on Effective Course Design and Implementation

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

I just read about Carnegie Mellon University’s resource on designing and teaching effective courses and I thought that good teaching principles apply to online teaching even more than they are applicable to regular course teaching. So should you design and high-tech or a low-tech course, these principles are worth to be taken into account.

Ray Schroeder on Education Technology

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

At a recent educational technology conference I happen to meet Dr. Ray Schroeder – Professor Emeritus from the University of Illinois at Springfield. He has a very interesting web site and a few very interesting blogs relevant to all of us who keep thinking of the impact modern technology has on teaching and learning. So […]

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