


March 2025

Archive for the 'Women in Science' Category

46th UBC Physics Olympics – Great Success

Sunday, March 10th, 2024

Every year, early March I have an opportunity to write about the the event that is very near and dear to my heart – the UBC Physics Olympics . This allows me to share how much pride I feel for BC physics teachers who inspire their teams to participate in the event and who spend […]

GIRLS and STEAM Symposium and Showcase

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

I was invited to contribute to the Girls and STEAM Symposium and Showcase that will take place on Saturday, November 1st at TELUS World of Science. My colleague Wes Wong is one of the organizers. I am glad I can contribute to this event as a mentor and as a volunteer. More than 150 grade […]

Celebrating Math and Science at UBC Faculty of Education

Sunday, October 20th, 2019

Yesterday, on October 19th, 2019 we hosted our 9th Family Math and Science Day. We had more than 600 guests and almost 150 volunteers. We started this event in 2010 and we were not sure how many people would be on board. I was lucky that my colleague – a math educator Dr. Cynthia Nicol […]

Seminar Series: Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy

Thursday, September 19th, 2019

STEM Outcomes of Second-Generation Israeli Immigrant Students with High-Skilled Parental Backgrounds: A discussion with educators Svetlana’s presentation: Chachashvili-Bolotin_FULLSeminarCAN20190920 Dr. Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin Israel is a multicultural society that has experienced waves of Jewish immigration since its foundation in 1948. Most of the Jewish population in Israel are either immigrants or their offspring. STEM-related careers often open […]

New Year, New Challenges, New Beginnings

Monday, August 19th, 2019

As we are enjoying the last weeks of summer, many of us start thinking about the new academic year. This is always an exciting time for teachers, students, university professors, and families. This is also a perfect time to ask ourselves about our personal goals for the next year. What would we like to achieve […]

The Matilda Effect

Friday, February 1st, 2019

Last December I was interviewed by Lisa Keller from the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Lisa wanted to hear my view on the Matilda Effect and what in my view is going on with women in science today. Most importantly, she wanted to hear how current situation it is reflected in science teacher education. The […]

Science Outreach – Why it matters

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

On May 3, 2017 I visited Richmond public library for a special outreach event for the general public. It was a rainy day and I had to carry a big box of science demonstrations with me. It was one of the volunteering events I have been involved it since I came to British Columbia almost […]

38th UBC Physics Olympics

Sunday, March 6th, 2016

On March 5th, 2016 we held a 38th UBC Physics Olympics. It was a very successful event. I would like to share a letter I have written to the Physics Teachers who came with their teams to participate in the event. I think the letters speaks to why physics outreach matters so much. Dear BC Physics […]

Tim Hunt, sexism and what we can do about it…

Friday, June 12th, 2015

As I am reflecting on the entire story that followed from the Tim Hunt’s sexist comments at the women’s event in Korea, I keep thinking that what has transpired from the event might be very positive. First of all, the forum where he said it shows that he holds these believes so deeply that he […]

Teaching in BJ: Week 1 Impressions

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

I have finished teaching Week 1 of the course. What an exciting experience. I am very inspired by what I saw here. Most importantly, I realized that good teaching has no borders. Here is what Chinese teachers found most useful:] 1) PhET simulations 2) Clickers 3) Logger Pro – sensors 4) Games and Group work […]

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