The Online Technology 4 Occupational Therapy group is sponsoring a 24-hour conference on World Occupational Therapy Day. Check out the program and consider viewing one or more sessions. Recent (2010) UBC Master of Occupational Therapy grad Doug Herasymuik is presenting on his international fieldwork experience.
The program site has a link to an international clock so you can schedule your time. Last year, the sessions were very stimulating and it was interesting to see how well the technology worked around the world. Although I couldn’t participate in many of the sessions due to work priorities, I did stay ‘tuned in’ for the day – was like having the radio on and tuned to a station just for OT! It’s definitely worth a try.
Hi there – just tuned into the Life Balance, Resilience and Occupational Therapy session with Dr. Christiansen and Dr. Matuska. People were there from all over the world. It was very exciting. It’s done using Eluminate and easy to set up.
As many of you know Sue Stanton and myself are conducting some research among learners and grads regarding role balance and used these folks model to structure part of the study. We have completed the first batch in which 28 people participated. A big thank you to all of you!!
Andrea Walus our Admin Manager is sending out another invitation to participate. We hope to reach a N of 50 so if you are interested – please email
Best regards – Mary
No education is necessarily easy, but knowing what to expect and how to go about it all will make the process as smooth, hassle-free and hopefully successful as possible.