Category Archives: Information Exchange

Research Relays Start Again March 8

The Reseach Relays are back again this year. Alumnus Kathy Davidson is coordinating these with the assistance of our Administrative Manager Claire Carigi.

The following two webinars are booked so far. Watch for further confirmations!

March 8 – noon to 1 pm PST
The effects of weak hip abductors or external rotators on knee valgus kinematics in healthy subjects: A systematic review
Presenter: Glenn Cashman

April 5 – noon to 1 pm PDT

Physiotherapists’ use of chronic disease self-management practices with patients in a hospital setting
Presenter: Sarah Strickey

Further information and registration is available on the MRSc program website.

TV Regular and MRSc learner Jodi Boucher Promotes New Class on Body After Baby

Jodi is becoming a regular on Calgary Breakfast Television!

Last Friday she was interviewed about her new “Your Body after Baby Physiotherapy Class”.  Jodi told UBC Rehabilitation Science Online Programs Director Sue Stanton that she did all the groundwork (needs assessment and curriculum development) for RHSC 509 – Facilitating Learning in Rehabilitation Contexts. This is one of the core courses in the Master of Rehabilitation Science (MRSc) program.

View the segment on Breakfast TV Calgary’s website.

Read more on Health Reporter Leah Sarich’s blog. The piece was in relation to the Oscars and whether Hollywood celebrities can really bounce back that quickly from having a baby.

Great job Jodi! Perhaps you’ll have some Hollywood Stars coming your way soon.

World Occupational Day Online Conference on October 26

The Online Technology 4 Occupational Therapy group is sponsoring a 24-hour conference on World Occupational Therapy Day. Check out the program and consider viewing one or more sessions. Recent (2010) UBC Master of Occupational Therapy grad Doug Herasymuik is presenting on his international fieldwork experience.

The program site has a link to an international clock so you can schedule your time. Last year, the sessions were very stimulating and it was interesting to see how well the technology worked around the world. Although I couldn’t participate in many of the sessions due to work priorities, I did stay ‘tuned in’ for the day – was like having the radio on and tuned to a station just for OT! It’s definitely worth a try.

Okanagan MRSc Grads & Learners Meet

Darlene Russell, Kathy Davidson, Jennifer Stephenson and Kathy Hatchard

We four MRSc students (current and recent) converged in Penticton  a few weeks ago.  We discussed issues in common within the Okanagan,  resifted  events since graduation (Kathy, Kathy and Darlene) and offered  encouragement to  Jennifer as she nears the finish line.

Clearly,  evidence of social interactions among online students!

Help Recall and Record our History

Dale Graham, May 2008 graduate created a timeline and history Wiki for us. We encourage you to join Dale in capturing more of our history at the Wiki. Dale is presently an instructor in RHSC 581: Writing to Enhance Practice and an active participant in our growing online learning community. Many thanks to Dale for getting us started.

A Community of Practice: O.T. & Indigenous Health

Are you interested in Aboriginal health in Canada? Do you have practice, educational or research experience in Aboriginal health? Do you have thoughts, ideas, perspectives related to Aboriginal health?

‘Partnerships for Change’ is an emerging international community of practice focused on occupational therapy and indigenous health. It is a virtual gathering place for practitioners, educators and researchers involved or interested in  issues related to the significant health disparities that continue to be experienced by many indigenous peoples in Canada and worldwide.

‘Partnerships for Change’ utilizes a wikispace platform. Currently there are two ‘Hot Topics’ as starting points for generating a sharing of viewpoints. Here is our first ‘hot topic’ –

Occupational therapy purports to have a holistic core to services provision, yet is historically grounded in western notions and mainly provided through western health care systems. What does occupational therapy have to offer indigenous peoples? How meaningful is occupational therapy for indigenous peoples who may have an alternative worldview of health and wellbeing?

Maintaining the silence is an effective way of maintaining the status quo. This community of practice provides an opportunity for occupational therapists internationally to have a voice. Join or visit by going to:

The creation for this community of practice was a collaborative one between myself, and a Maori O.T., and non-Maori O.T. in New Zealand. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions at

Alison Gerlach, MSc, OT(C)