Category Archives: In General

Research Relays Start Again March 8

The Reseach Relays are back again this year. Alumnus Kathy Davidson is coordinating these with the assistance of our Administrative Manager Claire Carigi.

The following two webinars are booked so far. Watch for further confirmations!

March 8 – noon to 1 pm PST
The effects of weak hip abductors or external rotators on knee valgus kinematics in healthy subjects: A systematic review
Presenter: Glenn Cashman

April 5 – noon to 1 pm PDT

Physiotherapists’ use of chronic disease self-management practices with patients in a hospital setting
Presenter: Sarah Strickey

Further information and registration is available on the MRSc program website.

Call for Posters – PABC Practice Forum April 27, 2013

The UBC Department of Physical Therapy has released a Call for Abstracts for posters to show at the upcoming PABC Practice Forum. The deadline is April 1. UBC Master of Rehabilitation Science or Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation learners or recent alumni may wish to participate.

Here are the three categories:

1) CASE STUDY SUBMISSIONS. Case studies may highlight a novel technique or area of practice, an unusual or interesting clinical finding or scenario, a unique or particularly successful approach, or a “practice pearl” of wisdom.

2) PROGRAMS. Therapists, educators or administrators who work in, or have developed, a rehabilitation or education program may present its features and/or outcomes of interest to PABC members.

3) ACADEMIC RESEARCH PAPER OR WORK IN PROGRESS. This submission format is intended to provide PABC members who are graduate students (or grad students supervised by PABC members) an opportunity to present their original research.

If you are interested, please contact Alex Scott at: for further information.

Congratulations November 2012 Grads – MRSc Valedictorian Speech

On November 22, 2012, faculty, instructors, staff, learners, colleagues from the rehabilitation community and families joined together to congratulate the graduates of the rehabilitation science graduate programs.

Doctor of Philosophy graduates include:

  • Shalini Lal
  • Mineko Wada

Master of Science graduates include:

  • Allison Ezzat
  • Stephanie Glegg

Master of Rehabilitation Science graduates include:

  • Kim Mullens
  • Mireille Delorme
  • Tammam El-Khodor

The Vancouver Yacht Club decorated for the holidays added to the celebrations which were enriched through carefully crafted speeches by the graduates, graduate program directors Dr. Lara Boyd and Sue Stanton, and Faculty of Medicine Vice Dean Academic Dr. Frederick Mikelberg. Dr. Mikelberg’s speech is also posted on this blog.

The November 2012 MRSc valedictorian speech humorously and thoughtfully captured what it’s like to study for a master’s while working full-time and balancing life’s other commitments. MRSc Program Director Sue Stanton completed the evening’s celebrations with some simple but very wise advice that she received from her grandpa.

Please listen to these speeches. Unfortunately at the present time the speeches work best using a recent version of Internet Explorer. We are working to correct this.

In the first few minutes Sue recognizes all the 2012 MRSc graduates with special acknowledgement of May 2012 grad Rebecca Shook who won a peer-nominated research award.

The Master of Rehabilitation Science (MRSc) graduates’ research abstracts and those from previous graduation classes are available on the program website.

Please join us in congratulating our November 2012 graduates.

MRSc Learner Jodi Boucher Appears on Calgary Breakfast TV

Jodi Boucher was in touch with Sue Stanton today. She was interviewed as part of the Calgary Breakfast TV segment on Stress Incontinence. The reporter contacted Jodi after reading an article in the online magazine Calgary’s Child magazine. Jodi wrote the article, Bladder leaks are no laughing matter…a common but unspoken problem, as one of her assignments in RHSC 581: Writing to Enhance Practice. She is a Calgary-based physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor rehabilitation and a graduate student in the Master of Rehabilitation Science (MRSc) program at the University of British Columbia.

Watch Jodi at:–nov-20th/ (1:30-2:12)

Read her article:
Boucher, J. (2012, March-April). Bladder leaks are no laughing matter…a common but unspoken problem. Calgary’s Child Magazine. Retrieved from

Welcoming Claire Carigi to the Rehab Science Online Programs

It’s my pleasure to introduce Claire Carigi as our new Administrative Manager. We are fortunate to have her join us. Claire graduated from McGill University with a Bachelor of Arts in Humanistic Studies and holds a Human Resources Management Certificate from BCIT.

She has extensive experience in distance learning having worked for the Commonwealth of Learning for nine years where she was the bilingual (French/English) educational coordinator for five UN agencies, supporting up to 1200 learners per year. More recently Claire has tutored communications courses for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees while practicing as a massage therapist. Her knowledge of rehabilitation practice is another great asset for the program.

Claire will join us on October 9, 2012. Her contact address will be: and telephone: 604-827-5374.

We look forward to working with Claire to build the Rehabilitation Science Online Programs.

Andrea’s Farewell Party

From left to right: Associate Director Mary Clark, Administrative Manager Andrea Walus and Director Sue Stanton

On Wednesday, August 22 we held a Farewell Party for Andrea Walus with over 25 faculty and staff attending. Great appreciation was expressed by everyone at the party and on our blog, including many learners who will also miss Andrea’s exceptional support in navigating the UBC systems and completing the many tasks needed for successful online learning.

In recognition for her 7 years of service in the various rehabilitation science programs, including the management of the organizational transition to the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (OS&OT), everyone contributed to a gift card for the Gourmet Warehouse. Andrea was thrilled and plans to stock up on all the various spices and gadgets she’ll need for the two French cooking courses she is taking this Fall. We’re all waiting for the dinner invitations later this year!

As of August 24, Andrea is on her way to a new position as Development Coordinator with the Faculty of Applied Sciences effective September 4. Our Administrative Manager position is posted and Andrea will help to orient the new person, as soon in September as possible. In the meantime, please continue to email and either one of the program directors or a staff person from the Department of OS&OT will help you.

Introducing the Master of Rehabilitation Science Course-Based Option

Learners starting the UBC Master of Rehabilitation Science (MRSc) program this September or later will have the option of choosing to complete the major project courses or other elective courses.

“This option was pursued due to some learners finding it difficult to arrange the necessary work-site support to complete their research. We are still encouraging learners to pursue the major project due to the benefits of learning how to conduct small scale research projects that have a direct impact on practice,” explained Program Director Sue Stanton.

RHSC 589 Major Project II will also increase from 3 to 6 credits. This change was made to provide learners the time and credits to increase the size of their research projects and increase research dissemination possibilities.

The various pathways through the UBC Rehabilitation Science Online Programs can be viewed on the program website under Choose Your Path.

Questions regarding these changes can be sent to

Congratulations and Fond Farewell to Andrea Walus

Congratulations to Andrea Walus, our Administrative Manager who has accepted a more senior role as a Development Coordinator with the Faculty of Applied Science. We wish her every success in the new role and will greatly miss her dedication in supporting learners, faculty and staff.

Since joining us in August, 2010 among other support activities, Andrea has streamlined recognition event processes, and contributed to the development of administrative processes to support program evaluation activities and the new Research Relays. Prior to the online programs, Andrea spent five years in various administrative roles in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Department.

Although Andrea leaves us on August 24, 2012 she will return occasionally to orient the new manager once he/she has been appointed.  Interim support will be provided by the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy staff. You will be advised as soon as a new manager is appointed. We encourage everyone to continue communicating with us at

Please join us in congratulating Andrea on her promotion.

In Memory of Sue Stewart

On Wednesday, June 20 Sue Stewart passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. The UBC Rehabilitation Science Online Programs as well as the Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, and Department of Physical Therapy are mourning the loss of their colleague. Sue taught for many years in both departments, and more recently in the Master of Rehabilitation Science program. Her energy, enthusiasm and unending positivism will be greatly missed by all. We extend our deep felt condolences to her husband Bill and their three children.

Sue was part of the first graduating class of the online Masters in Rehabilitation Program at UBC in November 2007. She did a qualitative study on Electronic Mentoring and examined its usefulness as a method of providing clinical support to sole charge therapists in remote locations. It was published in the International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation in April 2009. This research project fueled Susan’s passion for using technology in continuing education and clinical support. She then developed and piloted training modules for electronic mentors in five health regions in BC.

Sue was a Clinical Assistant Professor at UBC and taught pediatric neurology to the entry-level physical therapy students and normal development to the occupational therapy students. She worked at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children and her main research interest was in the effects of prenatal substance exposure on children. Specifically she was involved in research examining the possible effects of the mother’s use of anti depressants on the early development of their children.

Sue loved the outdoors and took every opportunity to ski and hike with her three children and husband in the coastal mountains.

Sue’s funeral service will be held at St. John’s Anglican church in Vancouver (5350 Baillie St. at West 37th Ave between Cambie and Oak) at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday June 30.

Please post any memories or thoughts you may have to help us remember Sue, her leadership, passion and contribution to the rehabilitation community.

MRSc Grad Jennifer Stephenson Makes Learning a Family Affair

Jennifer Stephenson who graduated from the UBC Master of Rehabilitation Science in 2010 was not alone in her studies. Turns out her husband was studying for his PhD and both her daughter and son were completing their undergraduate degrees. On June 7, 2012 Jennifer’s husband Paul and her son Brian graduated from UBC. Her daughter Sarah graduated in 2009. Brian and Sarah are continuing their education at UBC, following their parents’ lead. For the full story, read UBC’s media release.

Jennifer herself has stayed active in the MRSc program by recently offering a webinar based on her major project research: Successful Intraprofessional Relationships between Therapists and Therapist Assistants. The archive, along with others, is available for listening on the MRSc Research Relay Webinars page.

Congratulations to Jennifer and her family!