Podcasting & Slidecasting for Dissemination in Teaching and Research

Podcasting and Slidecasting

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View more presentations from Norm Friesen.

This is my presentation from the Teaching Practices Colloquium at TRU. The abstract is below and the slidecast version is above.

You can ensure your presentations reach the widest possible audience, or are readily available to your students for study and review, by using a few simple technologies and following a couple of simple steps. Podcasting and Slidecasting can be useful regardless of your disciplinary orientation, and their use has resulted in the creation of very rich, interdisciplinary collections of online resources. Podcasting refers to recording the audio of a presentation, and making it available online for download as an audio file (usually a MP3). Slidecasting refers to a combination of the audio of your presentation that is roughly synchronized with a set of PowerPoint slides (see: http://www.slideshare.net/). In this presentation, Dr. Norm Friesen will cover the use of both of these approaches. He will begin with a discussion of their potential pedagogical and research value, covering the types of technology involved (e.g. laptop vs. stand-alone mics, online storage for larger audio files, etc.), and concluding with an overview of licensing and distribution options for material made available online.

Unfortunately, the audio for the presentation didn’t work out 🙁

But you can still see the slidecast, sans audio. Other examples of slides with audio can be found in earlier posts, below.

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