CURRICULUM VITA – Norm Friesen (Download full PDF version)
Canada Research Chair
Thompson Rivers University
University Main Campus, 900 McGill Rd.
Kamloops, BC, Canada, V2C 5N3
+1 (250) 574-3620; skype name: normfriesen
EMAIL: nfriesen ::;
page last updated on January 2, 2013
Summary of Achievements
- Peer-reviewed publication: 2 solo-authored academic monographs, 2 solo-authored textbooks, 6 co-authored collections, 1 edited/translated monograph, 80 articles and chapters; 55 standards documents & reports
- Research and Development funding: over $2,000,000 received since 2003; $1,600,000 received as principle investigator
- Presentations, Panels, etc.: over 200 presentations in 5 continents; 10 keynote presentations
- Teaching and Supervision: 5 PhD students (2 completed); 9 MEd theses/projects (completed); 8 course designs, 6 workshop designs developed and delivered at institutions internationally.
- Affiliation/Memberships: Head of Canadian Delegation – ISO/IEC SC36 WG2 & SWG; Member of Canadian Delegation SC36; Associate Editor for the Journal of Curriculum Studies
Selected Recent Articles
- Friesen, N. (in press). Educational Technology and the “new Language of Learning”: Lineage and Limitations. The Politics of Education and Technology: Conflicts, Controversies and Connections. London: Palgrave. Draft available at:
- Friesen, N & Cressman, D. (in press). Die kanadische Schule (The Canadian School of Media Theory). Handbuch Medienwissenschaft. Stuttgart: Metzler. (Translated by: Rainer Leschke) English language draft available:
- Henriksson, C. & Friesen, N. (2012). Introduction to Hermeneutic Phenomenology in Education. Hermeneutic Phenomenology in Education: Method and Practice. (Ed. N. Friesen, C. Henriksson & T. Saevi) Rotterdam: Sense. Pp. 1-14. Proof available at:
- Friesen, N. (2012). Less is More: A Response to Ihde, Rosenberger, Borgmann, Barney and Sørensen. Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology (15)3.
- Friesen, N. and Lowe, S. (2012). Education and the Social Web. Connective Learning and the Commercial Imperative. International Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. (28) 3, 183-194.
- Friesen, N.(2011). The Lecture as Trans-Medial Pedagogical Form: An Historical Analysis. Educational Researcher: An Official Journal of the AERA. 40(3), 95-102.